Jack is feeling great post cardiac cath and new stent. He keeps those docs in Wausau hopping and was good to go. He wanted us to meet his BFF Ron Serwa and lovely wife Georgie. A friend to me is a gift-someone who is loyal, who listens, is trustworthy, sticks up for you or smacks ya down when ya need it, someone who spends time with you, who avoids expectations, a person you can be yourself with, who cares for you and shares laughs and tears with you. So what's your definition of a BEST FRIEND??

Alrighty then, let's head over to his business for an introduction. Ron owns a Tool company (Vortex) so going through the front door gave me a few flashbacks of Anro. After regaining my composure Ron gave us the 50cent tour. This is one of the cleanest factories I have ever been in...those local Wisconsin-Germans and Poles like to keep this work place spic and span. Quite an impressive operation. Ron has much to be proud of in building such a successful business- especially in these trying past few years.
And to the BIG CHEESE'S (hey it's Wisconsin and I couldn't resist) office we go...or should I say lair. Ah yes hunting- the practice of pursuing any living thing, but usually wildlife for food, recreation or trade. Wisconsin has a strong hunting culture and Bubba fits right in around these parts. Ron is quite the BOW HUNTER- we are talking archery. Bubba was in hunting trophy Mecca.

Archery stile hunting requires the hunter to be a lot closer to the animal than rifle hunting. The distance depends upon the individuals ability, the target animal, the bow strength, terrain, arrow and weather. How about that flying turkey! MK (Jack's ever so talented wife) did the design work for this man cave style office. Bubs really loved the skin chairs. What else for a man who has hunted all over the world.

How'bout that Kodiak Brown Bear! This place is a taxidermists dream. And there's more at the house?? Where hasn't this hunter been? KUDU, AUSTRALIAN WATER BUFFALO, AFRICAN CAPE BUFFALO, LOADS OF WHITE TAILS, ELK, BOBCAT,ZEBRA, WILDEBEEST, SNAKE SKINS, PELTS and more. This hunters trophy paradise was stunning.
Yeah, Ron I had to get Boca one of those Zebra rugs...no easy feat as she was very particular about the stripe pattern she wanted. And what makes it remarkable -all of Ron's catch were all taken with a bow and arrow. Oh and of course he fishes too- a real Wisconsin kind of guy.
Hey, Bubba, would ya like to stop by the house? Jack and MK affectionately named it The Ponderosa. Bubs couldn't say yup fast enough. So to the Ponderosa we go...
Ron collects Windmills, amongst other stuff. And a separate building for his deluxe "workshop"- every man's dream....well not everyman but my man's.

All the toys that Bubba dreams about......
Hey Ron, this is quite the workshop.
This is one talented dude....what can't he do with those hands?

A place for every tool and tool for everything. Ron, can you come to Florida and square up Bubba's garage?
Ron took us around the Ponderosa on a golf cart and Georgie followed behind to make no one fell off or something...she was worried about Boca bouncing along with that Chardonnay.

Timberland- big mature hardwoods and plenty of corn for the grill and the deer. Ron is putting in a new road and Bubs volunteered for backhoe or bobcat duty.

Bubba and Ron hit it off in a big way....what is that about birds of a feather saying.....between Jack, Ron and the Bubs they solved all world problems as well.
Oh Jack I can see why Ron is your BFF. Thanks for the introduction and a super visit to RON'S WORLD!