PAPER, COFFEE, BREAKFAST-quite the cafe au lait maker Pudge. A 250 HP? Toronto is the provincial capital of Ontario and the largest city in Canada- located on the shore of Lake Ontario. With over 2.5 million people (the metro area has over 5 million folks) making the traffic dicey for Bubbs. We are talking a very cosmopolitan and international flavor here. As a matter of fact, Toronto is one of the worlds most diverse cities by % of non-native-born residents with about 49% born outside of Canada. As George likes to point out there are no cats in Larry's hood. This relatively modern city has changed so much since Boca and Bubba's honeymoon visit in 1976. You remember the one, as they were pulling into Toronto to have a visit with one of Pam's high school chums and her hubby when Boca broke the news to Bubs the Viet Nam Vet husband that the girlfriends hubby is a draft dodger. A WHAT! Calm down Bubs, it will all work out (hoping). And it did. Funny how our political thoughts and experiences can be discussed over breaking bread one on one. And speaking of breaking bread......

FRENCH TOAST No not the book by Peter Mayles- the real deal by Pudge. Stuffed to boot. Larry was so happy to know that sending Pudge to France all these years has finally paid off. This Pain Perdu- meaning lost bread ( a way to reclaim stale or "lost" bread) was over the top. Larry now understood what he had to do to get Pudge in the kitchen for breakfast- invite friends in. And you thought he was just a pretty face. And to be serenaded by our Chef topped off the delicious double stuffed Pain Dore. Voila and Merci Pudgie! I did offer to play a little of my recently learned air guitar but all insisted I save it for later....


This internationally acclaimed village of brick-lined streets and dozens of vibrantly restored Victorian industrial buildings is a fun tourist attraction- just a few minute walk from downtown Toronto. The Distillery District is home to live theater, galleries, fashion, designing and jewelry boutiques, unique cafes and award winning restaurants.

Mary is an Olympic shopper and enjoyed poking around the shops with Pudge while Bubba standing guard preventing loony (yes bad pun) purchases. The ladies loved the night club chairs. Mary thought these chairs were perfect for her hood's Bocce Ball space. You bet!
Bubba gave up on the guard duty and took up "people" watching with Larry. Interestingly enough, the only people they were interested were all the hotties parading around. It looked like a Russian Model cattle call. The boys balked when we said it was time to leave. I suggested they walk behind us and continue the ogling and be grateful.

Would we like to attend the new Cirque show? You bet. We saw Totem under the Grand Chapiteau (custom designed tent) in the Port Lands-yes the yellow and blue tent. This show took an ironic look at the entire process of man's evolution in the universe. Sequence after sequence they out did themselves. Things move seamlessly throughout the the whole show as we ooed and ahhhd.

Even the mats needed to protect the artist are part of the shows visuals. The set is dominated by the skeleton of a giant tortoise, which is used in stunningly inventive ways. The lighting, the stage sets, the costumes were incredible. Boca thought the couple on the swing was a good role model for Bubba and suggested perhaps putting up a swing in the garage they could practice some of these very vavavoom moves. Yeah, keep that dream alive Boca, mumbled Bubs. We also enjoyed the phenomenal Chinese Girls and their unicycle and twirling in tandem. Incredible!
The packed audience sat there entranced and cheered frequently.