Palozza Madness. Yes like many music festivals the crazies come out in droves. Sensory overload on steroids. Very entertaining though. Lady GaGa was here 3 years ago. By the way her reviews were poor. Go figure. This fest is Crass Commercialism at it's best-give the public what they want Bubs.
Can you guess which one was Boca?! This makes Tony Robbins Firewalking minor league! Yikes.

Bubba took a pass on the Palooza today. But for some evening fun I convince him let's head over to the...
Ah thoughts of roast lamb, roast pig and chevaps....mmmm. Nobody does meat better than the Serbs. The web site describing all the food and music had us "all jacked up". So we invite our friend "Lady Jane" to drive in from Barrington and we will take the "L Blue Line" and we'll meet at the Fest. Yahoo! My ethnic roots- hoo hoo. So one hour after a bumpity bumpity ride on the train we arrive at Serb Fest. Bubba buys the food and drink tickets and we go to the food line....what do you mean no meat? fish only? and frozen fish at that. Yes Mrs. Boca, the Orthodox do not eat meat on Friday and our Priest will not let us prepare it on Friday either. I said, I didn't realize the Serb Fest was a religious event. I thought it was ethnic....ah well ah. I guess this was God's way of reminding Boca of "the rules"...well I was going to take most of it home.