A little working out....

But nooooooooo. After tiring of yelling over to Bubba while dressing every morning "nothing with Yosemite or John Deere on it"- murmuring the farm or woods. It was time for some clothes shopping. Make no mistake, I would rather poke myself in the eye but wifely dutiship called. Remember when you took your teenage daughter clothes shopping...that doesn't even begin to compare. Shopping with an Alpha male who dresses to please a Deer is no dang fun. While Michigan Ave has some of the best shopping in the world nope..we had to go across the street to Macy's.
Well, it is a step up from his fav- Costco and on line for the Under Armour he swaths himself in. Bubs reminds me that he can wash that stuff in the sink and why would I bring along all those dry cleaning clothes. His favorite colors are beige and camo making the fashion statement yard work, home improvement or a day in the deer stand. I thought I was up for the challenge after fortifying with a shot of Vodka. So after picking out and gathering up 49 pair of shorts and 112 polo shirts and working up a lather to yield no success I plopped down on the couch sighing I GIVE UP. The poor salesman did his best to hide from the Boca and Bubba Shopping Expedition.
LESSONS LEARNED: 1. Better to consider his hobbies and interests when clothes shopping 2. Repeat Repeat Repeat 3. They always want a new MP3 player when shopping for shirts. 4. Let him stick to food shopping and just get his clothes and shove in the closet when he's not looking. After all Bubs is one step away from black socks and sandals.