UP ON THE ROOF Our new theme song and hangout. My play pal from Miami-FISHER ISLAND (a private island right off South Beach)- Lynnia visited Boca and Bubba for some BBQ fun. She is here helping her granddaughter get settled at Roosevelt University. And of course being Lynnia, with friends all over the world, brings along a Chicago pal, Irene. When we visit Lynnia we must take a car ferry. Fisher is on the path for the Cruise lines and it's always dicey- bobbing and weaving being on the ferry when one of the mega cruisers go by.

The island (.0343 square mile) was created by dredging and land reclamation and construction began in 1919 by Carl Fisher (automotive parts pioneer). He purchased the island from South Florida's first African American millionaire, Dana Dorsey. In 1925 Fisher traded the island to a Vanderbilt for a yacht. Other McRich folks lived here after Vanderbilt and it eventually sold for development in the the 1960's when it sat vacant for over 15 years before development began. After years of legal battles and changes in ownership further development started in the 1980's-with architecture matching the original 1920's Spanish style mansions. Another Chicago gal has 5 properties here- go Oprah!

"From beauty queen to queen of the scene and everything in between"- Lynnia has had quite the life. But no mater where in the world she visits she comes home to Fisher Island. WELCOME TO PARADISE is the sign on her door and that's exactly what it feels like when we arrive. Yup, that's Bubba at the front door-oh so eclectically decorated. Bubs loves the leopard dining chairs and the head from an Asia trip.
That's our gals "jacked up" 4 wheeler. Pretty much how one gets around on Fisher. Being the creative one- photojournalist- her art work is unique, fun and modern. Our certified Laughing Yoga instructor has us in stitches most of the time. A what? Yup, laughing yoga. This is a form of yoga employing self-triggered laughter-it is unconditional laughter and yogic breathing. And she is a master of the laugh. Absolutely contagious!
I believe Lynnia said to me one day-
Bubba is like most men- they want the same thing from their underwear that they want from a woman: a little bit of support and a little bit of freedom. A jumbo painting of our Lynnia- MOMA bound I am sure.
This babe is full of "HATITUDE.

The "PLATINUM GIRLS"(our fabulocity leader Janet) have spent many a fun day out at Fisher. We tend to specialize int the patriotic holidays...Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day- as the club puts on the most magnificent spread. The fireworks over Biscayne Bay along the Miami skyline- stupendous! Thanks for visiting us in my home town and introducing us to Irene. Glad to hear you loved Chi Town like we do. And let our New Yorker friends know we are no second city!

Also joining us, our former next door neighbors from Evanston- Sherryane and her mom, Margaret. We have remained friends since we moved in- 1980. We crossed our wires on date and time for visit so when I called and asked where are you? She said huh? I didn't hear back from you? Well get down here Bubba made a nice BBQ. Ok we're in our PJ's. Who cares-drive into the garage and elevator up...who'll notice! Bless them for being good sports and showing up in "pj's". Oops forgot to mention others would be here..ha ha.
What are you up to Sherryanne?
Huh? As a matter of fact going to a Curling Camp on Thursday in NY and trying out for Olympic Curling Team- goal first alternate. What is Curling Sherryanne?
Curling is a sport in which players slide stones across a sheet of ice towards a target area. It is related to
boule and
shuffleboard. Two teams, each of four players, take turns sliding heavy, polished
granite stones, also called "rocks", across the ice
curling sheet towards the
house, a circular target marked on the ice. Each team has eight stones. The purpose is to accumulate the highest score for a
game, points being scored for the stones resting closest to the centre of the house at the conclusion of each
end, which is completed when both teams have thrown all of their stones. A game may consist of ten or eight ends.

The curler can induce a curved path by causing the stone to slowly turn as it slides, and the path of the rock may be further influenced by two sweepers with brooms who accompany it as it slides down the sheet, using the brooms to alter the state of the ice in front of the stone. A great deal of strategy and teamwork goes into choosing the ideal path and placement for each situation, and the skills of the curlers determine how close to the desired result the stone will achieve. This gives the game its nickname of "Chess On Ice".
Sherryanne, why in the world would you want to sweep? " It's fun hoggin the ice until bar time. And when you are finished curling someone else has to clean the sheets. Oh Keith, I can see the Collins clan doing some family Curling....ha ha ha". Touche. Good one Sherryanne. Keep us posted on your Curling venture. And thanks again for coming to the city. So loved the leopard schmata!