Since 2001 the Cincinnati Fisher House has provided accommodations to the families of hospitalized Veterans from the tri-state area. Sixteen families are welcomed nightly by personality plus- Karrie Hagen the House Manager. This bubbly gal from Kentucky welcomes all with a big heart and arms wide open. A 22 year member of the VA system, Karrie took over the Manager's job from Bill Moore (who was a lynch pin on the organizing committee from 1996). She has been at the House since the opening in 2001.

Originally the organizing group started as the Veterans Guest House of Cincinnati. A call to the Secretary of State Colin Powell prompted a suggestion that the group team up with the Fisher Foundation to realize the goal of providing inexpensive lodging for the Veterans and their families. The Veterans Guest House group raised $5 million to build and endow the operation of the Cincinnati Fisher House. This Board continues to meet monthly at the House. They find new ways to continue to support the House and Mission, always welcoming volunteers and donations to carry on the much needed assistance to the Vets and their families.

Karrie proudly shows Keith the display cabinet filled with gifts and memorabilia. Hey Karrie you need another- you're a regular Fisher Smithsonian. Her clientele tends to be an "older" group - hey Keith that would include you. Kerrie is proud to say she has many family members that have served and have utilized this VA- her Dad, father in law and uncles. This Va Medical Centers serves many Viet Nam Veterans as well. She doles out a lot of respect and empathy daily. We watched her say good bye to a guest- heartfelt, emotional and tender. This is no desk job for Karrie. She greets and meets every guest. Checking up on all guests daily and making sure all is well is her Fisher style..

Shared common areas allow families to interact with each other providing mutual support. Many times friendships are forged. The average length of stay ranges from 3-5 days and much longer for her Cancer patients (35-40 day stays for radiation).

Helping keep the House in order, the young and energetic housekeeper works right along side Karrie. The reception desk next to Karrie's office serves as the hub of the house. She is partitioning off the guest computer desk for privacy and yes right next to her office. Love the shovel! No stone goes unturned?

Proudly displayed on the wall are pictures of two of her volunteers. They orient the guests and offer a comforting ear and big shoulders. "Grief counseling is a must for all of us who work here." So what do you love about your role as Fisher House Manager? "EVERYTHING! I really love when guests come back to visit us to say hello". I am pretty sure Zachary Fisher would be very pleased with our Southern Belle Karrie. Her passion and compassion are second to none. Per Keith "Thank you for a great visit and all that you do for us old Vets."
anybody interested in getting Karrie that second display cabinet....karrie.hagan@va.gov