We interrupt Boca's shopping on the magnificent mile to bring you Audrey's birthday lunch. She and her BFF, Hanna, did their gig at the American Girl Store ( 1 of 11-started in 1986 and what an empire it has become). The inventor of AG is from the Chicago area-70 yrs old now. Formerly a school teacher and a children's textbook writer. After selling to Mattel, Ms. Roland along with her hubby are major philanthropists in Madison Wisconsin-over $205 million gifted. Ah, I remember those American Girl days with my Alex. For Christmas, I bought her the new AG doll that rolled out and along with a matching outfit. "But Mom I don't want t dress like a Pilgrim!" Some more of that Mommy Dearest stuff I suppose. A book went along with the ensemble so it was fun to learn about girls from different era's and places. Molly, Samantha, Addy, Kirsten, Josephine and more. My personal favorite was Addy the little black slave girl...you can imagine how that one went. What? You know I like everything very authentic Alex...anyway it was a fun lunch and I so look forward to buying for my granddaughter (dreaming) a Rebbecca (a Russian Jew growing up in NYC)- ha- and why didn't they call her Bocababe?? I understand she shops and shops and shops. Thank you for including me in the fun Audrey!
www.rolandreading.org -a very cool move Ms. Roland. Way to go! I'll let you slide on all that Madison Wisconsin stuff.
Post birthday lunch they headed over to Navy Pier for a boat ride on Shoreline. Alex has worked on this boat for many summers and enjoys when family and friends visit her. Invitation to all to go see Alex and have some fun at the Pier-friends with benefits.


My personal favorite was the young man asking if Jesus would eat meat or be a Vegan. So here we go for the NIGHT OF HOPE.

This power of positive thinking preacher rocked the house with his perpetual optimism as a rising star in the charismatic movement. Osteen started touring the country in 2004 and has held more than 100 Nights of Hope. His events draw as many as 50,000 people (as compared to the Dali Lama who was just here, speaking to an audience of 8,000). The stadium was just about sold out Saturday night. When I was a young girl my Dad took us to McCormick Place to see the Reverend Billy Graham- and we loved it! Bless him- 92 years old and still kicking.
Loved the hat of the man sitting in front of me. Can I get an Amen!