This special breed of warrior, who conduct special ops can operate in any environment but are known for their maritime prowess. Navy Seals and their high speed boat driving counterparts -Naval Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewmen, form the operation arm of the Naval Special Warfare Unit. Their enduring commitment to individual initiative, personal responsibility and mission accomplishment is part of their rigorous training. Their loyalty to country and Team is beyond reproach- placing the welfare of all of us before themselves. We have had the privilege to meet some of these folks over the past several years in our travels and had the opportunity to watch them training on Kodiak Island 2 years ago.
As Bubba said, "A few men and no boys become Navy Seals.

It's hard for an old Army dog to admit that they are the best of the best when it comes to special operation troops- including Delta force, Army Rangers, Army Green Berets or Marine Force Recon." As a matter of fact the oldest Secret Service Agent ever hired was a former Navy Seal.

We were saddened to hear of the deadly incident of the 22 (30 total people) killed when their helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan. Indeed as our President said "their deaths are a reminder of the extraordinary sacrifices made by the men and women of our military and their families." Check out the detailed history, mission and training requirements of this phenomenal TEAM.

Keith and I humbly grieve along with the families and our country. As noted in last years trip/blog (North to Newfoundland) we also had the opportunity to visit Dover Air Force Base - then under construction, the Fisher House and Meditation Chapel. Dover is not only the worlds largest mortuary but the place where our fallen military are received by their families. I cannot imagine the synergistic pain and sadness with 30 families there at one time. I am sure our Fisher House Manager (Robin Raine) and Team have done a respectful and outstanding job in supporting these families during this sorrow filled time.

I also thought, oh no, more families for the Snowball Express this December in Dallas. The party nobody wants to be invited to. As previously mentioned, this event is held at the holiday season for the families of the fallen. This 4 day gathering gives the kids a little fun time and a chance to forge relationships and friendships with other Snowball Express families. This opportunity also gives the families a chance to bond and grieve and do their best to heal those deep wounds of the loss of a husband/ Dad or a wife/ Mom. The Snowball Express Organization and volunteers show the families that they are not alone. We not only thank them for the ultimate sacrifice made by their Dad's and Mom's but we also open our arms with hugs and love. I extend an invite to you to attend with us this December in Dallas.
There are many ways to reach out to these families- and please consider a donation to the Snowball Express or Fisher House at Dover Air Force Base in honor of the NAVY SEALS- easy to do on line via their web site. No donation too small or too big. God have mercy on their souls and their suffering families. MAY THEIR MEMORY BE ETERNAL!