Cheer up Bubba- the worst is yet to come. This is the day to rejuvenate. Mani-pedi, facial, waxing, roots, highlights and more.
What does high maintenance really mean? Is it just that I need more upkeep than the average bear? Fussy and particular? difficult and troublesome? annoying? hard to please?
I think Harry and Sally might have captured something.....
Harry Burns: There are two kinds of women: high maintenance and low maintenance.
Sally Albright: Which one am I?
Harry Burns: You're the worst kind; you're high maintenance but you think you're low maintenance.
Sally Albright: I don't see that.
Harry Burns: You don't see that? Waiter, I'll begin with a house salad, but I don't want the regular dressing. I'll have the balsamic vinegar and oil, but on the side. And then the salmon with the mustard sauce, but I want the mustard sauce on the side. "On the side" is a very big thing for you.
Sally Albright: Well, I just want it the way I want it.
Harry Burns: I know; high maintenance.
Cheer up Bubba- the worst is yet to come. This is the day to rejuvenate. Mani-pedi, facial, waxing, roots, highlights and more more more.
Does your purse have more than 5 lbs of essentials in it?
Do you have more than 50 pair of shoes?
Is your make up case a double decker tool box from Sears?
Do you have more than 3 items in your closet with price tags on them?
Do you have more underwear that you could wear in 3 months?
Do you spend more on hair products than groceries?
Can a small family live in your closet(s)?
Does a weekend trip take more than one piece of luggage?
Do you get your Botox fix monthly?
Are your dry cleaning bills more than a car payment?
Is a High Maintenance an attention seeker? AH, now we are getting into STEALTH HM:
Do you need to be told every 5 mins that you are pretty?
Do you often send back food in a restaurant?
Do you put on make-up to go to the grocery store?
How do you describe a "high maintenance" man? Never heard a guy called HM?
Bubs, I think Toby Keith's got it right in his ballad "HIGH MAINTENANCE WOMAN"....don't want no maintenance man".
Well Boca did her best to take care of business.
Yes Bubs you are right. I guess I'm no chicken little.