Georgian Bay is a large bay off Lake Huron located entirely within Ontario, Canada. George believes it was named after him. Others say the bay was charted by the Royal Navy in 1822 and named after the other George- King George IV. GB is about 140 miles long and 60 miles wide- covering 5800 square miles, making it almost as large as Lake Ontario. Ok, you New Yorkers, what are the 5 Great Lakes? I thought so- Lake Michigan, Erie,
Huron, Ontario and Superior. Captains Larry and George took us for a bit of day tripping on the BUSINESS. And to start the day off- yes Boca's favorite- TIM HORTON'S TIMBITS!!

Larry and George keep their boats up here in Midland- about a 2 hour drive north of Toronto. Pudge and Mary reflect on their athlons and start planning the next! Oy. While Bubba makes sure King George and Lawrence of Arabia know how to handle this vessel.

The area is loaded with summer cottages on the north and east shores and on the adjacent 30,000 islands. Yes I said 30,000. Most of the cottages are only accessible by water. Bubba is thinking, whew I don't have to worry about gassing this baby up while Pudge says I'm going up front...

Georgian Bay Islands are a part of land that has been set aside as a National Park. As Bubba and Boca are huge fans of the Canadian National Park System, we loved seeing the sign saying part of this area is a National Park. Spectacular landscapes, time-worn rocks, diverse habitats and the rugged beauty of the Canadian Shield abound. We explored some of the most magnificent fresh water we've ever seen. OK let's tie her up and get some chow at Henri's for some of that fresh lake fish. MMM battered "pickerel" (their name for Walleye)...something good left over from the Brits.

And the next thing you know a plane arrives with pilot Jessica to take us for a birds eye view. Larry arranged a float trip for us for another view of this majestic piece of the world-wind swept pines, endless beaches, majestic towering cliffs and clear blue water. Jessica, are you old enough to drive this plane! Well, Miss Collins, I'll do my best. So ol'Boca crawled into the co-pilot seat and gripped the plastic hang strap and puckered up for the ride. And what a gorgeous view it was....

up up and away we soared. I think we saw most of the 30,000 islands. Never mind Nervous Nelly Boca....Pudge and Mary were cool as cucumbers in the back seat. Next time Boca will squeeze her keester to sit back there and be sure to have a cocktail pre flight! The boys also had some air time with Jessica- we told them they better behave!

Hey Bubs, looks like you're getting a little too comfy back there! Yep, Boca I could do a whole lot of this.
We appreciated the gorgeous weather and we are sure Larry had something to do with that- only to be followed by Chef George grilling some DELICIOUS Ribs dockside. The unforgettable scenery and day will be remembered. This place is perfect just the way it is. Thank you Larry, Pudge and George for such a fantastic day. And Geo, don't forget to send Bubbs a pair of your leopard furry bathing trunks. Me thinks he'll be the hit of the hood.
"Boca I hope you had a good time. From the looks of the galley I am pretty sure you did. And remember, shhhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't tell too many people about our little piece of heaven up here." Mum's the work Lar.