

After a hearty breakfast with the Harkness's we were off to Sagatuck- a quaint village and noted art colony and tourist destination on Lake Michigan.  Popular with the Chicago and Detroit crowd.   The population of 925 swells to 3000 during the summer.   My "old" boss Jerry Horney and his wife Nancy (remember we saw them last week) bought a B and B here- Twin Oaks- and ran it for 11 years before they retired to Huntley,  Illinois.  We never did make it up this way then- should have done that.  I guess you get wiser latter on.  Do you have any regrets?  What are they?  As I get older I have more.  On the younger side of 50 I had "none".  Today I have several.  Same body, same experience -how did I finally figure that one out?  It was easier to have the "no regrets" mantra.  Having regrets is painful and for those of us with that "strong" ego- hard to admit.   Nevertheless,  glad to do a drive by now.  Lots of cute touristy shops selling stuff that we don't need but for some reason continue to buy...then on to Holland for more of the same and some lunch  for Bubbs.

This area was settled in 1847 by Dutch Calvinist Separatist's and still has a large percentage of Dutch American  heritage.The last time I was here was in high school during our tri- hi- y  (sorrority) end of the year weekend blast. Although known for the Tulip Festival, Hope College and a very nice dunes- State Park-it has pretty much never been the same since that crazy weekend in May in 1969. I had to take  Bubs over to the state park for a drive by to describe that weekend of Annie Green Springs and Boones Farm.  A what?  A drive by?  Oh no Bubs, I am not going to pay the $12 park fee.  I just want to show the place where we had some high school fun.  Per Bubba, "are ya kidding?  You cheap Charlie.  I am not going to drive up to the entrance if we aren't paying".  I said "well, I'll tell the girl we just want to do a 10 min. drive by, and sorta through.  I do not want to get out of the car and get all sandy.  She will agree".  After much back and forth Bubba was convinced to pull up and I asked the girl if she minded if we didn't buy a pass and just did a drive by for a moment."  I do  not speak Dutch but it sounded pretty much like- hey lady are you crazy?  Pay up or there's the exit.  Thank you very much."  Bubba has reminded me of this "stellar" logic for the past few days.

 Ok. Yes, I had the Dutch girl dancer outfit- shoes too.  Growing up next to South Holland (Chicago Suburb) I had to be a Dutch dancer.  And you know how Boca likes to walk down memory lane.  I couldn't resist "Klompen Dancer a la Boca".

Gousetis and Family in St. Joe
Hadn't been up to see Spero, Nancy and family for many years.  Spero is the oldest son of Chris, my "step" Dad.  Couldn't somebody come up with a better label than "step"?  Spero and Nancy are the lucky Grandparents of 3 adorable children- Elizabeth, Olivia and Tyler.  They proudly spend many hours baby sitting.  Bubba did a practice run.  What is it about Grands that have my friends go GAGA?  Tick Tock-waiting waiting.  All in good time Boca.  Easy for you to say.  I will be so old...how can I possibly spoil the ever loving stuffing out of them when old?  Ok.  I will do my best when the time comes....

 Sons, Andy  and Tony (and wife Kristy) came by for a delicious BBQ.  And darn that Nancy, introducing us to an over the top "Butterfinger" cake-carmel soaked chocolate cake topped with cool whip further topped by chopped up Butterfingers.  All that starving Boca did for months just seems to come apart on these road trips.  Not wanting to offend Nancy I had to have a second piece to show my hostess some appreciation right?  Starting to look more like Totie Fields.  Grrrrr.  And thank you Spero, Nancy and family for a great visit.  We love you!  xxxxxx