Honey, where did you put the passports? You have the passports. Remember Bubba, you keep them in the safe and said you saw them in the car. They must be in the car. So after packing the truck- in the valet section of Alex's garage- we started the search (and we did this after we packed the car of course). Unloaded all those suitcases, bags, hanging clothes, gifts, souvenirs, Boca's electronics-computer, ipad etc, shoe bags, bags of books (hey I thought she wasn't going to do that again-hello kindle), water supply for the Sahara desert, Bubba's camo first aid kit fit for a small army, Car repair kit ( as if we could), bag of clothes in need of dry cleaning (and you're bringing them to Canada because?) and large bag full of our vitamins and supplements- yes the size of medium suit case- we must like orange pee, large cooler toting all that Wisconsin Cheese and Frango Mints AND ONLY 2 BOTTLES OF WINE this contraband for a hassle at the Canadian Border this year- sweating like pigs and breathing the fumes of passerby staring at all of our stuff spread out all over the greasy oily garage floor. No Passports. WHERE DID YOU PUT THEM BUBBA! They've gotta be here somewhere my darling. So up to Alex's I go, to put in a call to our neighbor "Dr. Mike". Dr. Mike could you please hop over to the hacienda and check Bubba's safe to see if by some fluke chance they are still there? And yes you guessed it, there they were. Dr. Mike hot tailed them to the Post Office for overnight delivery. Mercy me, I don't know why it took me so long to get back to the garage to tell Bubba he could stop sweating and searching. Serves him right. NEW RULES: we will now have a check list of stuff to do and bring on all of our trips. Leaving it to the US Post to do their job had us itching a bit. Thank you Dr. Mike for saving the day.

Bubba worked with Tom in the USSS in the Chicago Field Office in the late 70's and early 80's. As a matter of fact Keith was with Tom the night he met Linda. Glad to see they are sill happily married and enjoying life. After retiring from the SS he went on to a full second career with the FDA. Our double dipper retired last year, built this casa and bought one in Arizona and living the life of Reilly. Throw in a bunch of golf and lots of family and friend visits- he runs a pretty good B and B. While Tom may be the subdued guy, his dry sense of humor is a pip. But not to worry, his bubbly and darling wife Linda is a shining star. The former "Black Label" girl-yes that was her in those adds, still looks darn good and kept her figure unlike you know who.

We had not seen them for many years and stopped by for a drink and a walk down memory lane. I guess when we were still there at midnight they had to invite us to spend the night. While not necessary but much appreciated- especially the thought of driving up and down and round and round those dunes in the dark after a glass of wine or two or...good idea Harkness. Their home and hospitality were beautiful. They designed and built it and decorated it. As Bubba commented several times- hey Harkness, you're a regular Martha Stewart. And a good time was had by all. Thanks Tom and Linda- see you in Arizona-SU CASA MI CASA....or something like that.
We had not seen them for many years and stopped by for a drink and a walk down memory lane. I guess when we were still there at midnight they had to invite us to spend the night. While not necessary but much appreciated- especially the thought of driving up and down and round and round those dunes in the dark after a glass of wine or two or...good idea Harkness. Their home and hospitality were beautiful. They designed and built it and decorated it. As Bubba commented several times- hey Harkness, you're a regular Martha Stewart. And a good time was had by all. Thanks Tom and Linda- see you in Arizona-SU CASA MI CASA....or something like that.