How's that for a winning 3 some! All that hard work and huffing and puffing paid off. And Lawrence, this is so bauble worthy. I see a Triathlon Bling coming to you ya Pudge.
Hey Pudge and Mary, the sport made it's debut at the Sydney Olympic Games in 2000- how about....no no. Better yet how about the race next year in Abu Dhabi at the Emirates Palace Beach!!!

Yes! Yes! Boca and Bubb will be there at that time-post India trip. March 2012. So meant to be.

Bubs suggested that Boca sign up for the Camel Racing...
I can see you gals running in a Burka!
ABU DHABI will never be the same-those Sex In The City gals have nothing on us. I think I'll order you two the Berfect Burka Bikini....

Yes! Yes! Boca and Bubb will be there at that time-post India trip. March 2012. So meant to be.

Bubs suggested that Boca sign up for the Camel Racing...
I can see you gals running in a Burka!
ABU DHABI will never be the same-those Sex In The City gals have nothing on us. I think I'll order you two the Berfect Burka Bikini....
And to end the Award Winning Day, Bubba managed to win his own "award" a parking ticket. Bubba Bubba Bubba- you cannot stay out of a jam in Canada.

THIS CALLS FOR A BIG CELEBRATION LADIES...let's get down to BUSINESS for some Champagne...where we found George (remember Geo was on that Hiram Train going nowhere), always ready to celebrate. But where's Deb? Oh she said she couldn't take another natural disaster with Boca and Bubba. Well, she does have a point.

Pudge started practicing her straddle in anticipation of the Camel Racing....Since Pudge doesn't a have camel to practice on, George suggested she substitute the wave runner for the camel" I heard him say he was procuring some Camel dung so the training will be more authentic. Georgie Porgie, so glad to see you and happy you are here to Celebrate with the gang.....
Pudge started practicing her straddle in anticipation of the Camel Racing....Since Pudge doesn't a have camel to practice on, George suggested she substitute the wave runner for the camel" I heard him say he was procuring some Camel dung so the training will be more authentic. Georgie Porgie, so glad to see you and happy you are here to Celebrate with the gang.....