

The Mission:  We deliver war-winning expeditionary capabilities to the warfighter through development and transition of technology, professional acquisition management, exacting test and evaluation, and world-class sustainment of all Air Force weapon systems.  As a matter of fact Wright-Pat is the largest employer in the state of Ohio!   Hey, where did all that industry go?  Civilians make up 75% of the commands employment- 84,221 people!  The 2010 Fiscal Budget for 2010 is $52 Billion!  The Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) is also located here.  It is the Air Force's graduate school of engineering and management as well as its institution for technical professional continuing education.  AFIT is committed to providing defense-focused graduate and professional continuing education and research to sustain the technological supremacy of America's air and space forces.  Including PHd's!  What an incredible and busy place.


The Medical Center provides facilities to the over 57,000 eligible military beneficiaries in the region  The second Fisher House at Wright -Patterson AFB was dedicated earlier this year in April.  As we have learned over visiting our beloved Fisher Houses ( of the 38 locations we have visited 33- there are more houses-54 because some installations have multiple houses) there are many similarities in the Houses but also many distinctions due to the mission and clientele of the location.  The list of under construction and pending Fisher Houses continue to grow- yea!  The strategy is to provide as many houses for the Vet aftercare needed nationwide.

We were greeted with open arms by Karen Healea, House Manager and Barbara Howe, Assistant Manager.  We strolled next door to check out the Extreme Makeover going on at Fisher House I.  The Wright-Patterson community also pays tribute to another legacy:  Nightingale.  Per General Norton Schwartz, USAF- "A year before the first Fisher house welcomed its first guest at Bethesda, Air Force Captain Gretchen Lizza's vision of support for military families was realized in the founding of the Nightingale House.  During her son Tony's extended treatments at the Wright-Patterson Medical Center, Captain Lizza opened her heart to fellow patients and their families who, unlike her, did not live nearby.  With a determination fueled by selfless compassion, she advance the idea that ultimately yielded the Department of Defense's first compassionate care house."

 Karen and Keith check out the well landscaped and maintained yard.  And enjoy a chat in the very inviting sitting room.   
"My thoughts of life have always been to do something in life that will outlast life.  I was fortunate to find something that fulfills that goal completely."  Zachary Fisher

As always, the Fisher House decorator did an outstanding job in design for the specific house.  All the photo art on the walls are always local scenes.  Barbara, started with the Fisher House as a volunteer while her husband was stationed in Germany and has been at this Fisher for the past 6 years.  For a tiny gal she sure has a big heart.  Karen , Barb and Tim (maintenance man and his wife is serving in the Air Force too) are an awesome team.  They run these 2 Fisher Houses like a well oiled machine- so very Air Force!

 Keith checks out one of the very cozy guest rooms.  And may I quote a guest, "What a blessing the Fisher house is!  When stress and anxiety descend on me, it is such a comfort to be greeted here by friendly, caring people.  The Fishers saw a great need and filled it so that difficult times might be made pleasant as possible.  Our hearts are grateful to them for this living monument to their thoughtfulness and gracious generosity."  Our sentiments as well.

We also had the opportunity to meet Mr. Chris Stanley, retired Air-Force and current Executive Director of the Fisher Nightingale Houses, Inc.  This local group is  the charitable arm of this Fisher location.   Chris, we thank you for your service sir and your continual service is inspirational.  Keith and I are humbled how the Air Force community look after their own and thankful for all you folks do.   FISHER HOUSE because a family's love is good medicine!  Truly touching lives with compassion.