The last time I was here was Oct. 5, 1992. Invited by my friend, Julia Conway, to attend an extraordinary Memorial in honor of her deceased husband Geoffrey Conway. She had this bronze commissioned and set on the Star of David and "unveiled"at Mount Pleasant Cemetery-per archives-
Bubba had the pleasure of doing the muscle test while yelling WHO'S YOUR DADDY! The ladies were quite pleased with those thighs of steel. The past few months the emails flew back and forth about eating, working out, swimming, running, bike clips, Goo?, doing a brick, coaches, trainers, falling off bikes and blood, new helmets, vitamins, supplements, eating habits, pooping habits (ewww) drinking habits (I had to get in there somewhere) and on and on. They were speaking in jock code, so at times hard for ol'boca to decipher.

As you can see Pudge is no pudge . I think it means WILD FUN in Canadian. Known for her love of shopping-ha-seriously she is the only girlfriend that doesn't like to!- she bought some super sneakers to ready for the big race. Who knew from Monopoly sneakers! Such a creative and talented lady- she is showing Mary one of her photo books she put together from her travels. Pudge doesn't understand why Boca needs all those photo albums when a slim photo book per trip does the trick. Unlike Boca our Pudge is a woman of few words. Pointing out to Mary the horse she had on her girls version of 3 Amigos in Wyoming this past June. Hey Pudge

We ended the evening not only with more wine but a delicious meal that our Pudge concocted. Who knew our little running, biking and swimming machine could be talented in the kitchen. Larry you are one lucky guy. Bon Appetite!
"Born in Toronto in 1933, Conway graduated from the University of British Columbia in 1956 after which he attended Harvard, where he received a doctorate in business administration. Conway was regarded as both a visionary and a pioneer in the fledging cable TV industry. He helped establish CUC Ltd., a broadcasting and cable television company, in 1968. Five years later he applied to the government for permission to operate a children’s cable channel. He was turned down. Fourteen years later, in 1987, YTV Canada Inc., a company in which CUC was a major shareholder, was granted a licence for such a service.
Conway died on March 28 of the following year at the age of just 54. His unique memorial, “Divine Servant,” depicting the moment during the Last Supper when Jesus washed the disciple Peter’s feet, is a copyrighted and trademarked creation of Max Greiner, Jr., a talented artist living in Kerrville, Texas. The work is slightly larger than life-size and weighs 544.3 kg (1,200 lbs.). A description of the artist’s work states that the faces of Jesus and Peter were based upon drawings made in the catacombs by an unknown first-century artist. The work, commissioned by Conway’s widow, was cast in bronze using the lost wax process by the Eagle Bronze Foundry in Lauder, Wyoming and was dedicated here at the cemetery on October 5, 1992 in remembrance of “a true and gentle servant of God and man.” I will never forget this weekend as Julia honored her extraordinary husband in many ways- Crossroads Christian Broadcasting Studio, Children's Hospital and more. Her love and grief were as fierce as her kindness and generosity. She would tell me over and over "Pam, I am just a vessel of God's blessing ." I was thankful to see her heal from her loss and marry another exceptional man-Jeff Royer and have the family she wanted. God Bless you both for all you do in the world to honor God.
Being invited by our friends Larry and "Pudge" for a visit was a welcome stop on our road trip. We met them a couple of years ago on the HIRAM BINGHAM TRAIN on the rails to Machu Pechu, Peru. They were traveling with their best friends- George and Deb- and we were all keeled over on the Hiram from what we initially thought was altitude sickness but turned out to be FOOD POISONING. Nothing like staying at a 5 star hotel ( Monasterio ) and getting sick. Dr. visits no extra charge. Bubba said "never had that experience staying at a Motel 6". Anyway we all ended up boarding the Regent for a South American cruise and more opportunity to get to know each other in an upright position. We also are lucky enough to have Larry and Pudge spend a good bit of winter down by us in Florida. In fact some of the gang did it again-no not the kvetching-a cruise, this past Feb a la Australia-China floating. Nothing like a few natural disasters (remember that pesky tsunami, earthquake, storm in the Arctic etc) to get to know a person.

Pudge also attended Boca's Girls Birthday party last November where she met my childhood pal, Mary Biebel. They became fast friends as they had much in common- mainly all that running and biking and hopping around stuff. And another girls weekend was held at Mary's in South Carolina. The next thing you know Pudge invited Mary up to Toronto to do the Triathlon she was signed up for. A what? Oh yes said Mary- I can Duathlon. You can what? Hey Pudge, what about me?? Ok Boca you can be our cheerleader. Ok, I'm in. So hence this trip to Toronto.
WELCOME TO THE JONES CHATEAU (Larry's from Montreal)
We were welcomed with delicious orderves and Larry's special vino. We don't call him Screaming Eagle for nothing.-he's quite the connoisseur of the vine. The ladies had been training and training for this Triathlon/Duathlon and were ready to kick back and anticipate the upcoming race.
Being invited by our friends Larry and "Pudge" for a visit was a welcome stop on our road trip. We met them a couple of years ago on the HIRAM BINGHAM TRAIN on the rails to Machu Pechu, Peru. They were traveling with their best friends- George and Deb- and we were all keeled over on the Hiram from what we initially thought was altitude sickness but turned out to be FOOD POISONING. Nothing like staying at a 5 star hotel ( Monasterio ) and getting sick. Dr. visits no extra charge. Bubba said "never had that experience staying at a Motel 6". Anyway we all ended up boarding the Regent for a South American cruise and more opportunity to get to know each other in an upright position. We also are lucky enough to have Larry and Pudge spend a good bit of winter down by us in Florida. In fact some of the gang did it again-no not the kvetching-a cruise, this past Feb a la Australia-China floating. Nothing like a few natural disasters (remember that pesky tsunami, earthquake, storm in the Arctic etc) to get to know a person.

Pudge also attended Boca's Girls Birthday party last November where she met my childhood pal, Mary Biebel. They became fast friends as they had much in common- mainly all that running and biking and hopping around stuff. And another girls weekend was held at Mary's in South Carolina. The next thing you know Pudge invited Mary up to Toronto to do the Triathlon she was signed up for. A what? Oh yes said Mary- I can Duathlon. You can what? Hey Pudge, what about me?? Ok Boca you can be our cheerleader. Ok, I'm in. So hence this trip to Toronto.
We were welcomed with delicious orderves and Larry's special vino. We don't call him Screaming Eagle for nothing.-he's quite the connoisseur of the vine. The ladies had been training and training for this Triathlon/Duathlon and were ready to kick back and anticipate the upcoming race.
We ended the evening not only with more wine but a delicious meal that our Pudge concocted. Who knew our little running, biking and swimming machine could be talented in the kitchen. Larry you are one lucky guy. Bon Appetite!