

Wisconsin's unique cheesemaking heritage has produced exceptional cheese for years. Today, third- and fourth-generation cheesemakers are continuing old-world traditions and setting new standards in cheesemaking craftsmanship and artistry. The state's 1,200 cheesemakers produce more than 600 varieties, types and styles of cheese, all made under the most stringent state standards for safety, grading and quality. In fact, Wisconsin was the first state to grade cheese for quality and the only state with an advanced training program to help cheesemakers become truly masters of their craft. It's no wonder Wisconsin Cheese wins more awards than any U.S. state or nation in the world.

Our pal Molley and her darling Mom heard that Boca spent many of her childhood summers on her grandparents dairy farm in Wisconsin and so loved the smell of the cow barn.  The what?  So they took the day "off" to give Boca and Bubba an up close and personal tour- over to the Pentermans Farm.
Owned by Marieke and Rolf Penterman, Holland's Family Farm is located at Thorp in central Wisconsin. Both Pentermans have a background in small-scale dairy farming in the eastern part of the Netherlands. However, since availability of agricultural land is limited in the Netherlands, they moved to Wisconsin in 2002 to establish their dairy farm and cheesemaking operation.  First stop new babies...calf's galore.  This 480 acre farm has 850 milk cows- 2 born every day!  We watched some of the newborns learn to walk and moo.  Boca was in MOOOOOOOOO HEAVEN!

In 2004, Marieke began working towards getting her Wisconsin cheesemaker's license and also traveled back to the Netherlands in order to learn the process of making "boerenkaas," the authentic farmstead Dutch Gouda cheese.  Milk for cheese production comes from their own heard of rBGH free Holstein cows and is piped from the first milking of the day directly to the processing vat in the cheesemaking room.

The curd is formed and packed into 18lb. forms before being pressed. Cheeses are then placed in a brine solution for 60 hours, after which the wheels are transferred to the maturing room where they are aged on Dutch pine boards. Cheeses are turned (flipped) daily for the first two weeks to ensure even moisture distribution, and a permeable coating is painted on the cheese. Wheels continue to be turned frequently for the duration of their maturation.

The Pentermans produce 13 different varieties of Gouda. The Plain Gouda is sold at various ages, from as young as two months to up to three years.
The farms "CHEESEOLOGIST" gave quite the tour.  CHEESE 101 and Boca passed with flying colors.  And naturally had to order the CHEESECYCLOPEDIA for her library.

And of course a stop at the gift shop.  Besides the 20 kinds of Gouda they bought, Bubba thought the cow clogs were just what Boca needed and would surely be the hit parading around the Boca Mall.  And hey, how about signing up for one of the Wisconsin Farm Vacations honey?   Ah, no Bubs but thanks for the cute little Moo toy.  Bubba promised to get a real one for Boca when he buys his next "farm".  Got milk?

Followed up by, what else, some good old KIELBASA fun in Thorp....who knew about non-C.A.F.O.?   non confined animal feeding operation.  Here comes the Phd in BRATOLOGY......think I'll skip that front end tour, so let's head over to...


Here in the Midwest they may not be the trendiest folks, but they do know "good" food- fresh and delicious.  This market (started the year Boca was born-1952) sells butcher block quality meats and sausages- the center of the Sausage Universe!  Thank you Molly and Mom for an outstanding and fun day.  Boca was one very happy camper..cows, cheese and a load of sausage.  It doesn't get any better.  Oh, yeah, and about that HCG diet....