Bubba just doesn't get it..."why do you need 3 cosmetic bags"? That's right Bubba- NEED being the operative word. Yes I remember when we were first married and in my 20's and 30's one bag did the trick. Then hit the 40 marker and 2 bags were necessary to hold all those don't let your face sag potions. And at the 50 marker refusing to use 3 cosmetic bags I used a ziplock bag for the overflow and now? I had to "face" it. Yes, ba ba black sheep-it takes 3 bags full. And thank you Dr. Faigen for helping me not look like a sharpei. Isn't Fisak's sink unique? The 10 inch lip/rim on the counter top keeping me farther away from the mirror. Amen.

We lived here from 1990-1996- in Beauteous Buckhead. Smack in the city, it felt like we lived in the country. Not Bubba's cup of tea (didn't like the politics nor the taxes) on the other hand I loved it...and made fab friends and had a blast. When I see this house I think "The House of Loo" and Bubba thinks "loony". Growing up in a house with 1 bathroom and 3 girls, and not being one to overcompensate for childhood experiences, we bought this home with 7 bathrooms and I added 3 more. I guess it beats "gardez l'eau"- watch out for the water out the window. I had a feeling those Buckhead Babes wouldn't go for that methodology. EVERY TIME we visit a city where we have lived- we have to go see the old Hacienda and make sure it is in loving hands...done. Do you do that? Hey Nick, do you see that tree you and Dad planted....
Shopping is taken seriously in Atlanta, so where is a better place to meet the ladies for lunch than The Tavern at Phipps? The most hip Theresa- on your right- is the daughter of my very dear Pal Abby (from yesterday) and Andjela (we helped start the Serbian Orthodox Church in Atlanta in 1992-St. Peter and Paul) met me for lunch and some laughs. Both gorgeous inside and out and I see they got the memo on wearing off the shoulder that morning. Theresa gave us a lesson on Facebook Etiquette- who knew!

And always fun....mini OGSSR (Old Guys Secret Service Reunion). Girls on one side and boys on the other. Can you guess who is not a "wife"- ha ha ha. We all know Fisak is missing the stay married gene so he does his best to captivate the ladies...ah another gorgeous Pamela. And we so adore being with the Dauwalders- only married 47 years. And the Collins 35...so what the heck Silver Fox???

And a lovely time at Food 101 was had....we hop in car to go home at 11 and Bubba has this great idea that we should hit some night spot...so over to Johnny's Hideaway we go...and absolutely no parking available. Nada. Huh? Aren't some of those "old people" tired of dancing? Nope. So down Piedmont we roll and see a place that we knew from the old days. I guess the new name should have been a flag...so we pull in and the young lady at the door asks us if we know anyone who works there? Huh? Well that would be no...$10 each please. Ok...OMG....we are talking wild and crazy "rave" club....holy moly and we looked like their grandparents. No where to run, no where to hide...

Too embarrassed to turn around and walk out - that would have been the smart think- oh no, Boca says "Bubba, you dragged me in here Mr. Party Pants so I am certainly going to have a drink. Oddly, my sun glasses became some kind of attraction- "who's behind those Foster Grants?" A yia yia yia. So after 40 days of no vino ol'Boca had to make up for the lost time. I think we strolled in around 3 a.m. As Gretchen Wilson so aptly puts it- ALL JACKED UP.