We also had the opportunity to meet up with a new friend-Dana Lamberson- that we met at the Snowball Express last December. The Snowball Express started with a simple idea: provide hope and new memories to the children of the military fallen heroes who have died while on active duty since 9/11. In Dec of 2006, nearly 900 family members from all across America and the world gathered in Southern California for an unforgettable Holiday gathering. "Kids and widows discovered they weren't alone. And found they weren't forgotten".
We also had the opportunity to see the LOST HEROES ART QUILT and meet the artist who designed this quilt, Julie Feingold. This contemporary art quilt was created to honor the fallen Americans since 9/11 in Iraq and Afghanistan. This exquisite and "heart" moving quilt depicts a fall soldier (as a child )- one from each state. Julie defined "heroes" as those who put their own life in peril for a noble purpose greater than themselves-such as protecting the freedom we cherish in America. Come to find out Julie is our neighbor from Del Ray Beach Florida and naturally we have become friends. What a spectacular artistic tribute-cool book available- www.heart2hand4art.com/lostheroesartquilt
The event is a happening which also included a fun day at the Southfork Ranch for all you "Dallas" Fans. And another fellow south sider (Blue Island Baby) Gary Sinese has become a key player in not only the event but in the organization as well- go Lieutenant Dan! Best of luck and continued success in serving on the Snowball Board Gary. And my pal Sally Lee and I thought Lt. Dan was not only cool and talented but one hottie! What a great supporter of our Military and a Patriot. Must be some of that South Side DNA. The next Snowball Express (the 6th one) is in Dallas Dec 13-16 come join us and if you can't make it feel free to make that needed donation....
www.snowballexpress.org for more info and ways you can participate
We met up with Dana Lamberson for a late lunch at the Looking Glass Restaurant and Gourmet Bakery. A unique and quite delicious menu owned by good ol'Dr. Edington and family. Dana likes to frequent the Looking Glass not only for it's very tasty food but to acknowledge the Edington's for their continued support of the local military families. Check it out www.lookingglassrestaurant.com

It was great to catch up with Dana. Her husband, Rand Lamberson died from injuiries when his HV rolled over an IED in Iraq on his daughters birthday, April 10, 2006. Rand served in the Army's 1st Batalion, 506th Army Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team of the 101st Airborne Division stationed at Fort Campbell...making him the 141 in his division to die in Iraq. His loss to Dana and their two children has been huge and everlasting. And I quote one his fellow soldiers (the movie Band of Brother's was based on the Regiment)- "Rest in peace Lambo! Eyes out front, Duty First and Fury from the Sky!" As we Orthodox say, MAY HIS MEMORY BE ETERNAL!
Dana was quite involved in the formation of the SURVIVORS OUTREACH SERVICES/ ARMY. Dana served on a panel selected by General Casey (then Chief of Staff) who had the vision and compassion to propel the effort to support Survivors beyond casualty assistance alone. This is a program , formed in 2008, as a joint effort between the Installation Management Command, the Family and morale, Welfare and Recreation Command, and the Army Casualty and Mortuary Affairs Operation Center-dedicated to " building a unified support program which embraces and reassures Survivors that they are continually linked to the Army Family for as long as they desire." After much work, blood, sweat and tears (my words) much has been done to help the Survivors which of course includes their children.
The loss of a SOLDIER is not a topic people want to talk about, but it is a reality of military life. Bubba and I have had the privilege to visit so many military bases to observe the rigorous training that goes on. While grief is a very personal situation with the proper support group in place it is a help. It is overwhelming for most to triage through the military regs and benefits, the VA benefits and more. The most meaningful thing we can do to honor OUR FALLEN SOLDIERS is to support and care for those they left behind. Thank you Dana and the other wives and folks who worked so diligently to make a difference to the fallen's families. Bravo!
www.myarmyonesource.com/familyprogransand services/
or www.military.com/military-report/army-survivor-outreach-services