Pleep and Sis can hardly wait to get to Fort Campbell Fisher House. And yes their "Mom" decided to make this road trip as well. With recent uptick in security in getting on bases it took a bit of explaining and scrambling for ID for them. You could hardly control them when they saw the entry gate....
Fort Campbell is located on the Tennessee/Kentucky state line. This 106,700 acre installation is impressive. Ft. Campbell is the home of the only Air Assault Division in the world and a whole lot special ops too! Bubba served with this unit when he first when to Viet Nam. We never tire and get those goose bumps when we roll on to one of our military bases. The price of freedom is visible here. Water works for Boca.
This Army Fisher House is 5 years old and has 8 guest rooms. The WTU- Warrior Transition Unit is very active at this base. The wounded soldiers come here for treatment and are evaluated for a return to duty or "retirement". This home away from home is a 2 min. walk to the Blanchfield Medical Center/Hospital. The Army is the proud recipient of 17 of the 43 Fisher Houses established by noted philanthropist and patriot Zachary Fisher and his wife Elizabeth.

Bubba and the House Manager stand in front of the Zach and Elizabeth requisite Fisher House bust...."Dedicated to our greatest national treasure...our military service men and women and their loved ones." Zachary Fisher and my Hero! I have "bugged" the Fisher Foundation about publishing a book of Mr. Fisher's extraordinary life story..."not at this time Mrs. Collins". Not one to give up on having this inspiring and patriotic story told- Boca is open to all suggestions.
And yet another fabulous Fisher House Manager- Army Style! Wendy Carlston, started as a volunteer when the house first opened under the person who helped plan and open the house- Vivian (now at the Landstuhl, Germany- Fisher House). In short order Wendy came on board as the Assistant House Manager, wearing many hats and jack of many trades and wisely promoted to House Manager. Her husband is career Army (1 SG SERGEANT) currently serving in Afghanistan- thank you sir). How's that for a family serving our country.

Wendy runs quite the Strike Command! The House operates under the Wendy Rules (don't think about leaving your glass in the sink, buddy!) along side the Wendy Harmony and has the place running like a top. Her favorite part of the job is meeting and taking care of the families and the Wendy Required Hug for all her guests. We had the opportunity to meet one of her Volunteers. This Veteran Volunteer, works for the local school district during the school year, volunteers his summer at Fisher House. How's that for a Patriot. He and Bubs enjoyed talking Army and some Secret Service stories. Thank you sir for your service and for your CONTINUAL SERVICE AS A FISHER HOUSE VOLUNTEER- a gift of love.

To top off a great visit we also met Sargent Hafner and his colleagues- donating over $4000 to the Fisher House from a fund raising bike run. This association of combat vets are from all branches of the US Armed Forces who ride motorcycles as a hobby. Their mission is to support and defend those who have defended our country and our freedom. To be a full member you must have verified combat service. They sponsor and participate in many motorcycle related charity events throughout the year. Oddly, the precursor group (the Combat Vets Motorcycle Club) started in 1999 primarily as an Internet scam to milk money from the Combat Vets. In short order, a group of 45 legitimate Combat Vets decided to form a legit organization and they have been growing and doing good works ever since. We were so impressed with the leader of this chapter, Sargent Hafner. He will be retiring shortly due to severe and chronic migraines due to a training accident. He shared with us a new therapy the Army was using on him- BOTOX! Yup, and it has been very successful and he is hoping for a cumulative effect and full recovery down the road. Amen to the Sargent and again thank you for your service and thank you for helping our beloved Fisher House.
More about VET and Wounded Warrior scams later on....a particular sore spot for Bubs and Boca-beyond maddening!