Bubba started drooling the minute we pulled up-an F450 pulling a combo horse/dog/camper trailer. Yeah, Boca that's what I'm talking about. Of course the hacienda had to be a unique house- this log "cabin" was originally built around 1820 about 20 miles from this current location. It served as a roadhouse (bar) and moved to this location in the 1960's and the then owner built on an addition to enlarge and make it livable. A never ending work in progress....
How about those log walls in the dining room? I bet Harold feels like Daniel Boone when he eats in this room. And of course there has to be a "man cave".... well actually the whole place is on gigantic man cave!
The boys took out some salt blocks for the horses. Notice they too are wearing shades like ol'Boca. Oh, a fly thing. And let's mosey over to the puppy kennel. HM breeds and trains Brittany Spaniels- for hunting of course. We are talking for the serious bird hunter- orange and white dogs hunting and retrieving game. Quite athletic, compact, energetic and solidly built and quick learns- and a bundle of love. So HM, what's the diff between the American Brittany and the French Brittany???
Nice doggie...HM's love of his prize pooches is evident...on the couch, in the puppy kennel, in the barn, in the "basement to cool off"- woof woof yelp yelp. This is one busy place. HM will take a horse and his pooch out to Montana to hunt some upland birds- chucker (hey I thought that was a Polo thing?), pheasant and quail. HM how in the heck do you drive your horse to Montana??? When and how does it "go"? Oh Boca, I stop at the Cabela's and they have dog kennels and a pasture for the horses...so guys like me can stop in and buy more manly stuff. You go HM said the Bubs.
Oh no no no. We are not signing up for a BRITTANY....besides HM has quite the waiting list. Lots of love and training goes into making these poochies into not only man's best friend but good huntin dawgs.
Besides Bubs, the Britts don't do well in an environment with frequent tension or loud voices. Next....
To top off a fine day the requisite grillin and chillin. Oh Man, HM has two! Hey, HM that one on the left looks familiar. Didn't I scrub and tune that sucker up over at Mary's? YUP Bubba you sure did. It was too much of a beast for my kid sis.
Yesiree Bob- this is my kind of place Boca. Hey HM, can I send Bubs to camp here. Will work for food. Oh and thank you darling Renee- enjoyed the sup and company. And glad to hear you get off the "farm" now and again and hit up Paree. Now we understand why HM has so much fun working at HAROLDS HOLLOW....and we certainly know that he is one smart dude to marry such a fab wife...the brains in this operation for sure!