

I loved the "foreword" in our course workbooks...THIS PROGRAM CONTAINS ADULT LANGUAGE- Freud discovered that in every culture there are words which are considered taboo:  words that are rarely spoken aloud, but when they are, produce a dynamic transformation in the emotional responsiveness of the listener.  He was one of the first clinical practitioners to use intense language and taboo words with a therapeutic aim.  In this tradition, Anthony Robbins will, at times, deliberately use shocking language in order to establish an atmosphere of honesty and emotional authenticity.  Love Love Love the "reason" (justification, rationalization, story) why all the cussing will be going on- ha I have now legitimized my artful use of the Queens language.  I really do get it.  And never did understand why cuss words could create a dust up??  As I learned years back from my EST days, it's chocolate or vanilla.  Tony's energy and persona command the room filled with 3800 of us.  Patricia (my inspiration) suggested sitting in the front role, as she did but hell to the no.  The cost for those seats were  $2495 (Diamond Premier), Diamond- $2095 or VIP- $1595 sticker but a deal can be made, Executive- $1295 more dealing, and the Slugs-  the nose bleed seats- mine, were only $795 or if you grabbed a special 2 for $995.  Hey Tony, don't I get a discount for liking Diamonds?  For some reason and for many years of seminar attending I love sitting in the back row and on the isle.  This long term desired seat for these events worked out perfectly for my pocket book.  And go figure, the room set up had me feeling like he was talking to me personally.  I make my trainer work to get me "transformed" reaching me all the way in the back of the room.  I certainly cheered Robbins on when he said "WAKE UP CELEBRATING AND CELEBRATE ALL DAY!"  One of my favorite mantra's...I just may enjoy these next 4 days.

"Imagine if fear was no longer a factor in your life, what would you do?  What would you change, give, be or accomplish?:  said Tony.  He believes that those who create an extraordinary life and achieve their highest vision share one fundamental power:  the capacity to turn their fears and limitations into positive focused action.  The Firewalk experience is is the pivotal moment of the day.  Storming across a bed of hot coals between 1,200 and 2000 degrees Fahrenheit is the test.

Tony spent the better part of the day teaching us and coaching us to move beyond how we have limited ourselves and uses the firewalking to prove to yourself you have what it takes.  And fabulous Alex and her partner made it!  Dawn too!  Ol' Boca and her sunglasses was a no go for the crispy foot fun.  But she was a terrific cheerleader.  No photography allowed but ol'Boca couldn't resist a shot of those hot coals...hot enough?  YIKES!

I asked Alex how her Outward Bound Graduation Exercise at age 15 (the solo for 48 hours in the mountains of Utah, during a storm) and the Firewalking compared....she said the firewalkings gets you in the zone and energized to do something right now.  The 48 hours was scary, depressing and very alone while at the same time helped her connect with her deep down, self-reflection and know that you can survive in the Wilderness for 2 days-hence pushing beyond what she thought was reasonable and possible.  Cool Moss Al- Good Job.  Per Alex- WHAT'S NEXT!  So, what's your greatest fear?

"What lies before us, what lies behind us, is nothing compared to what lies within us."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

AND NO MOM, WALKING AROUND THE HOTEL FIRE PIT DOES NOT COUNT AS FIREWALKING.  Ol' Boca was more of the school of thought F.E.A.R.- F%*@ Everything And Run!