As mentioned at our last visit, I am a Pipka Santa lover. And naturally I had to stop off at the quaint Pipka Cottage- headquarters for the Santa's. Not one to go overboard...I highly recommended that Bubs go outside and sit under the shade tree and enjoy the garden while I Pipped around. Bubba had spent the month before we left on this trip "downsizing" our storage units....down to one and it is filled with Christmas stuff so you can image how happy Bubbs was to be visiting Pipka. Ahem...never at a loss to share the Fisher House story or the Snowball Express or more about the suffering of our wounded warriors and their families or the fallen and their families I chewed the ears off the two shop "girls"....and not one to yammer on and on.....the next thing you know the "shop girl" said being that the shop was built on the theme of Christmas that they should do something for the Snowball Express organization. Yahoo!

And what do you know that "shop girl" was Pipka! Pip lives in Vero Beach part of the year so I invited her down to Boca Raton for an up close and personal view of her Santa's this Christmas season. Her ethnic Santa's bring joy to so many and I can hardly wait to see how she lines up with the Snowball Express. Go Pipka!
Sunset Cruise on Green Bay
With it's reputation for brats, beer and frigid football games it's hard to believe that the Midwest can have such an exquisite sunset. Yes that beautiful sunset is on Green Bay water....who needs the Caribbean!

Pleep and Sis went along for the ride as they wanted to witness their "Mom" do a boat ride WITHOUT a glass of wine. The shore line is picturesque with bluffs and beaches. They say the most expensive home in Wisconsin is here- $29 mil...some Hollywood producer bought it....now who could that be??? Soooooo far away from the shiny people. Home boy makes good?

Ol'Boca started drooling when the Captains Mom pulled out one of the many mini bottles of pink wine and down the hatch it went- again and again. Pink Zinfandel never looked so good. Hey Bubba, what is that I spot? Fuzzy's. Yup looks like a Woodsy Beachy Bar- right up your alley Boca. Do you think we can get El Capitan to pull over? or will I have to swim ashore????? Bubba whispered, "Boca, you said you worked so hard on your diet that I should help you restrict your grape intake." I what???
Now how's that for a beautiful sunset.....

in spite of the grape less cruise a marvelous moment was had by Boca. Now about celebrating that Belgian Heritage through Chocolate- is there time for a stop off at the Chocolate Buffet Night?? Bubba you can't expect me to give up EVERYTHING! Besides I heard they have an active Chocolate Anonymous meeting here.....