

"Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice.  It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved".        William Jennings Bryan

This day was devoted to our "foundation" meaning our body.  Robbins believes that the key to creating an extraordinary quality of life is energy and that your health is the most important factor.  So if you are interested in taking your butt to the next level then ya really need to be living a healthy and energized life.  Tony had heard of Boca and her hard headed ways and knew he was in for a what for trying to bring her along...praying hard she would finally get it.  Hey Boca, it's all about conditioning babe.

He told us how he meet Sage his former Phlebotomist.  A guy obsessed with the status and wellness of his blood needs a phlebotomist....in spite of her being a blood sucker (tee hee) he is madly in love with her and way beyond head over heals in love.  Actually, it was refreshing and kinda cute to hear many stories of how they met, their dates, their challenges and how they swing out.  After the payout of a cool $42 million (so they say) to his first wife I am happy to hear that he finds making money easy and effortless....  And I bet ol'Sage would have married him if he were a plumber.  Slap Slap- was that some of the old cynical Boca seeping out....more Alkaline please and make it a double.  And speaking of Alkaline....

 And of course I have just the right products for you...
the product place was a zoo.  In that, the booths for selling stuff and signing people up for stuff were packed and jammed.  I thought Alex and Dawn deserved Firewalk Tshirts sold at the Anthony Robbins Foundation Booth.  And hey, what about that Foundation.  I had recently read their "rating" was quite low.  How could that be?  An organization that prides it self on contribution and integrity.  So I asked to talk to someone on staff at the Foundation and get to the bottom of that lousy rating.  So I asked the Ops Mgr what's up?  Oh Oh, I am so glad you asked.  You are the only person here that asked about that rating?  Yes, yes, as my friend Mary B said she was glad to know I was drinking the cool aid-but not too much.  So here's the short version charity's (501 C 3's) are rated on money in and money out- the portion of the budget that is allocated  to admin/expenses and what portion goes to the programs.  As Ms Operations explained, "while many charity's went under or lost a lot of money since 2008 we have not.  We had the foresight to tighten up and put the money in reserve and not spend much and yes we are still taking in money to savings".  So that explained the poor rating and I was still curious about future spending and programs supported-NOW.  We had a nice and lengthy chat and I saw an opportunity to introduce her to Fisher House, Snowball Express and Survivors of the Fallen....hmmm Maybe there is some synergy here....need to follow up on this possibility.  I can clearly see how this particular class would really benefit my Survivors.  So glad Tony reminded me of the importance of follow through....

And Bubba asked for some of Tony's Green Slime Stuff..that ALKALIZE Potion.  You bet Bubs - only $60 plus a bottle.   I can hardly wait for Bubs increase in alkalinity and decrease in acid.   It better get you all "jacked up" for that price.  And how 'bout that Life Balance Cleanse Pack?  As Tony says "Cleanse or Clog".  And for me?  Ah, how about some of that Electrolyte Spray.  Spray?  Does it promise to have me glow in the dark?  I'm all in for The Body You Deserve...please Dear God let it be different from the one I brought to the seminar.  Right?

And many many follow on courses....Mastery University- 3 more classes of which one takes place in Fiji-ah yes Mr. Robbins owns a very cool resort over there.  Again, Alex, Pleep and Sis wanted to further their education and suggested that I sign us up.  Hey guys, how much Peak Performance stuff can I take?  They claim that Tony is the "father of the life coaching industry".  So by mere coincidence (ha ha ha)- thank you once again Patricia S for the inspiration to take the course- and thank you Bubba for suggesting I hang out a shingle for some Life Coaching-since I  spend much of my time telling people what to do ....while I initially signed up for a good time and a B12 all arrows point to at the very least learning more about Life Coaching with the over arching mission to make a difference.  Ok out there, who is willing to be my first victim...I mean client?

Lots to absorb here  and much to reflect on.  While very similar to the EST training of years back- Tony's twists and emphasis on our "foundation" (aka health and energy) takes it to another level.  And a good time was had by all.  50 plus hours sitting in that chair....gonna take some time to get over Buttitis and PROCESS all we heard and learned... NOW ABOUT THAT MOTHER DAUGHTER BONDING....