I can't decide if this is more like a rock concert or a revival. I do like the music- sing a long to some, dance to some, jump up and down to all! Tony really enjoyed this "Chicago" crowd...although there were folks there from all over the US and 12 countries. This California boy enjoyed some of that Midwestern enthusiasm and pure it wasn't still winter.
Amen and raise the flag! Our first real meal break in 3 days. Joy to overpriced fish, bland vegies and more water. Well, it felt good to sit down at a table rather than eat off of your lap or in the john. This mother daughter bonding hasn't clicked in just yet...probably would have been better to have the box of salad on the lap than sitting down for a "nice" meal and family bonding. As Dawn asked both Alex and me-"so who would be your role models for a fabulous Mother-Daughter relationship?" and "why not have them coach you two?" So girlfriends with daughters what is your winning formula for peace? fun? how about survival?? Ok back to the auditorium to work on this very issue amongst many others.....
Hey Boca, what's up with the shades 24/7? For a gal from the south side of Chicago that's quite the statement. Yeah, about those shades Tony....
Shallow Hal (remember Tony in that movie?) reminded us that those are not your "friends" on FACEBOOK. While the social networks and browsers can be useful tools in our life that these methods can be addictive and counter productive in going for our dream- noting that its way easier to be "Shallow Hal" rather than really engaging with our friends and family. Yes, my smart phone, my IPad, my MacBook how much time in a day? in a week? do I spend on these "tools?" Guilty as charged- I would prefer to email or text rather than talk on the phone. Please Please forgive me dear phone talking friends....what I noticed...depending on the connection I can't hear properly "You're breaking up", I tend to interrupt (yes more than normal) and I certainly don't know how to bid farewell and say goodbye. I just click off the phone and many of you call me back saying "we must have been disconnected". Yup, I hung up. I was done. Not what about that class on phone manners.....Alex did yammer on about how she loved my Apple, that her Dell laptop (my old hand me down) was just about worn out and on and on. So I suggested if she wanted an Apple that I had just the right one in mind....
Now about that mother daughter bonding thing....yeah yeah yeah. Defy the odds! Set a new standard. Step Up! Step Up! Step Up! I'm all over that Tony...could ya do that part about effective communication one more time????
And the best part of the day was learning to play a musical instrument. Yup, I am now a devoted Air Guitar player! My personal favorites- some ZZ Top followed by Led Zeppelin- A Whole Lotta Lovin. Honey, can I wail. I think I was pretty good but I did not understand why Alex kept slipping out of the auditorium when I broke out in song???? This new hobby really helped me get in touch with my artistic side...yes, yes,hard to believe Boca has one. Bubba said he can see me competing at the Air Guitar Regionals then on to the meantime he ordered me a book to polish up my skills....