Surrounded by water- there are 300 miles of shoreline up here. Lots of State, County and local parks and preserves and approximately 34 islands of which only a handful are accessible. Baileys Harbor, Carlsville, Egg Harbor, Ellison Bay, Gills Rock Ephraim, Sister Bay and where we are staying- Fish Creek to name a few of the hot spots.

And yes it has been very very hot...after spending 2 hours looking for the AC button I discovered "no mas".... I texted my cousin Bobby (as we are staying at his condo) asking if he charges more for the Sweat Lodge days? Fox News tells Bubba it is hot pretty much in most of the mid west- damn hot. I do like it staying light till 9ish and light again at 4:30 a.m. Lots of Cherry Blossoms and sun filled beaches and tons of those folks with their bloody easels painting this that and the other thing. Hmmm budding Monet's I suppose. And the best part are the Midwesterners- my fav. Bubba says I look quite petite up here. You go Bubba!