
Day 1 July 7 Palm Coast Florida

Ah shoving off is always such a joy with Bubba.  Between the last minute run to Costco and why?, cramming luggage and stuff in the Q- ( more family heirlooms such as my college mug for Alex's one bedroom condo sans storage space),  prepping the house for asta la vista, reminding the mail man, the yard man, the pool man, the bug man,  the tree man, Anka and dear Dr. Mike our neighbor who is left in charge of all things that happen to that house when it's lonesome, Bubba gets "testy".    We buried a few Serbian  statutes (next to the buried  St. Joseph statue upside down for previous house sale mode,  the buried St. Guinness statue for good luck for fishing and cold beer,  the Boca Mezuza to ward off those pesky evil spirits and the IRS, and the Feng Shui dollar that is supposed to bring good fortune for girls who love to shop) with the prayer of no hurricanes, house leaks or pestilence while we are gone.  Of course Bubba had to take his truck in for a major over haul the day before and of course it wasn't finished until the afternoon of the shove off date.  Mumbling under my breadth -as we finally pulled out of the driveway at 3:00 - hah, rain, serves ya right.  And you could imagine the fine company I was- today being the last of my 40 day HCG diet which included no liquor.   They said the definition of liquor also included wine.  Kill joys.  The air in the SUV was so thick you could have cut it with one of his many many pocket knives- which I am sure are hidden all over the truck- Dear Lord please let me find them before we hit the Canadian border.

It' is always a joy to visit our very dear friends Abby and Sandy up in Palm Coast on the way out of Florida.  Abby ALWAYS out does herself preparing a scrumptious Italiano meal- only preceded by mouth watering southern style appetizers washed down with copious amounts of vino.  Topped off by some kind of wonderful desert or two.  So I had to give her the heads up...no no no Italiano.  Dried out tasteless fish,  along side over cooked spinach or asparagus and a luke warm glass of water or ice tea.  Huh she yelped!  And she rose to the occasion of my last day of torture.  Keith is counting the moments for my reentry into civilized society....
God Bless Sandy and Abby helping me make it through the last night and kicking off the Road Trip 2011....