

Wisconsin's unique cheesemaking heritage has produced exceptional cheese for years. Today, third- and fourth-generation cheesemakers are continuing old-world traditions and setting new standards in cheesemaking craftsmanship and artistry. The state's 1,200 cheesemakers produce more than 600 varieties, types and styles of cheese, all made under the most stringent state standards for safety, grading and quality. In fact, Wisconsin was the first state to grade cheese for quality and the only state with an advanced training program to help cheesemakers become truly masters of their craft. It's no wonder Wisconsin Cheese wins more awards than any U.S. state or nation in the world.

Our pal Molley and her darling Mom heard that Boca spent many of her childhood summers on her grandparents dairy farm in Wisconsin and so loved the smell of the cow barn.  The what?  So they took the day "off" to give Boca and Bubba an up close and personal tour- over to the Pentermans Farm.
Owned by Marieke and Rolf Penterman, Holland's Family Farm is located at Thorp in central Wisconsin. Both Pentermans have a background in small-scale dairy farming in the eastern part of the Netherlands. However, since availability of agricultural land is limited in the Netherlands, they moved to Wisconsin in 2002 to establish their dairy farm and cheesemaking operation.  First stop new babies...calf's galore.  This 480 acre farm has 850 milk cows- 2 born every day!  We watched some of the newborns learn to walk and moo.  Boca was in MOOOOOOOOO HEAVEN!

In 2004, Marieke began working towards getting her Wisconsin cheesemaker's license and also traveled back to the Netherlands in order to learn the process of making "boerenkaas," the authentic farmstead Dutch Gouda cheese.  Milk for cheese production comes from their own heard of rBGH free Holstein cows and is piped from the first milking of the day directly to the processing vat in the cheesemaking room.

The curd is formed and packed into 18lb. forms before being pressed. Cheeses are then placed in a brine solution for 60 hours, after which the wheels are transferred to the maturing room where they are aged on Dutch pine boards. Cheeses are turned (flipped) daily for the first two weeks to ensure even moisture distribution, and a permeable coating is painted on the cheese. Wheels continue to be turned frequently for the duration of their maturation.

The Pentermans produce 13 different varieties of Gouda. The Plain Gouda is sold at various ages, from as young as two months to up to three years.
The farms "CHEESEOLOGIST" gave quite the tour.  CHEESE 101 and Boca passed with flying colors.  And naturally had to order the CHEESECYCLOPEDIA for her library.

And of course a stop at the gift shop.  Besides the 20 kinds of Gouda they bought, Bubba thought the cow clogs were just what Boca needed and would surely be the hit parading around the Boca Mall.  And hey, how about signing up for one of the Wisconsin Farm Vacations honey?   Ah, no Bubs but thanks for the cute little Moo toy.  Bubba promised to get a real one for Boca when he buys his next "farm".  Got milk?

Followed up by, what else, some good old KIELBASA fun in Thorp....who knew about non-C.A.F.O.?   non confined animal feeding operation.  Here comes the Phd in BRATOLOGY......think I'll skip that front end tour, so let's head over to...


Here in the Midwest they may not be the trendiest folks, but they do know "good" food- fresh and delicious.  This market (started the year Boca was born-1952) sells butcher block quality meats and sausages- the center of the Sausage Universe!  Thank you Molly and Mom for an outstanding and fun day.  Boca was one very happy camper..cows, cheese and a load of sausage.  It doesn't get any better.  Oh, yeah, and about that HCG diet....



There it is, right in the middle of farmland USA.  And yes there is a Wausau in  Florida too- POSSUM CAPITAL OF THE WORLD.   Don't get any ideas Bubba we are not attending the annual Possum Festival.  One Wausau is plenty.
 Our pal Jack-a Chicago boy- has lived here for 30 some years.  I expect him to sprout udders any time.

 I GUESS Jack's old ticker couldn't quite take the thought of Boca's visit so he scheduled himself a cardiac cath on the day of our arrival.  Not to worry old Jackie boy...we will find you.  His darling wife MK schlepped us right over to that hospital.  There you are!  Ha and you thought you could get out of buying us the beer....

So off to meet our pal Molly O'Malley and her beau Dan.  A visit to the man cave is in order....they take the MAN CAVE in Wisconsin to the stratosphere of testosterone.  Is is the long cold winters?  the hunting and fishing?  the sports?  the cheese curds? ah yes...the beer making!

Molly is pure sunshine and light.  It is a joy to be around her.  She is a nurse by day and a biker and fun seeker by night.  So while we were sad and concerned for Jack.....we carried on in the Olinger tradition-always time for some Wisconsin chow and a libation.  Yes an excellent reason to toast his up rev'd ticker.  Don't worry Jackie boy we will save some for you.  Udderly sublime...




A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in."

Author: Robert Orben

Another beautiful day in FISH CREEK.  The unique and quaint Midwestern style shops and oh so tasty restaurant faire.  The yard art is ever so colorful.  Actually there is a sizable artist and crafty (in a good way)  community up here.

I love all the beautiful perennials.  While they have a "short season" they are so vivid- my kind of artwork!  You can see the locals and the semi locals are very proud of their green thumb.

"Happiness held is the seed; happiness shared is the flower".   

Marcia Pavich

Clean Clean Clean.  This "world class"- my opinion, family destination is a haven of old fashion values and fun.  Safe Safe Safe.  Does anybody know the crime stats up this way?  Not a single police car in a week?  How does that "happen"?

I did text Alex a pic of this Chicken as I thought it might be a Welcome addition to her ZEN balcony...."ahem.  Mom, ahem, I think chickens aren't allowed on our balconies".  Alrighty then.

 So thank you cousin Bobby and his most fabulous wife Marcia for another great stay in the Door. Hope you like your thank you gift...packer colors and all.   As I glance over at Bubba he is tearing up his IPAD shopping for a farm up this way.....looking forward to the next visit.  Viva La Wilson!!



About WFBF

Now he has started sending me emails and info about the WFBF.  The WFBF?  THE WORLD FAMOUS BUBBA FARMER?  NO NO NO BOCA.  The Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation is the state’s largest general farm organization representing farms of all sizes, commodities and management styles. There are 43,000 member families that belong to the Wisconsin Farm Bureau. Voting Farm Bureau members (farmers) annually set the policy the organization follows, and are involved in local, state and national affairs making it a true grassroots organization.
Members belong to one of 61 county Farm Bureaus, all run by a board of directors made up of people working in production agriculture. County Farm Bureaus are involved in a variety of legislative or promotional activities. Members join for various reasons: to support legislative and public relations efforts, to qualify for member benefits and to support Wisconsin’s farm families.  Oh yes, I can see Bubba getting involved.
Farm Bureau Vision: Lead a growing and dynamic agriculture.
Farm Bureau Mission: Lead the farm and rural community through legislative representation, education, public relations, and leadership development.
Farm Bureau is the voice of agricultural producers at all levels. A Voice for Farmers…A Vision for Agriculture.

I can see it now...this fixer upper special.  Of course we had to stop the car and kick the tires so to speak.  Where are the police when you need them?  And speaking of police we have not seen one since we have been in Door County.  I kid you not.  Don't they have any crime up this way for Gosh sakes?

Farmers only worry during the growing season, but towns people worry all the time.
- Howe, Edgar Watson

Bubba  loved the idea for future Grandkids...a tractor in a sandbox.  Oh yes Bubs, that's exactly what I had in mind.

Door County's largest Dairy Farm.  And like the ice cream of our childhood, the smell of a dairy barn does the same.  This farm has 500 cows that are milked 3 x a day.  A very different method than what my Grandpa did...one guy does  all 500!
As measured in phosphorus, the waste output of 5,000 cows roughly equals a municipality of 70,000 people.  Eww.  In the United States, the top five dairy states are, in order by total milk production; CaliforniaWisconsinIdahoNew York and Pennsylvania.
Bring'em in Jose.  Talk about an assembly line.  He does one side then the Utter...oops the other.  We are talking precision technique and speed.  I'm thinking this is not one of those Organic Milk Farms....  Have any of you seen one of those robotic diary farms???

"Cows are my passion. What I have ever sighed for has been to retreat to a Swiss farm, and live entirely surrounded by cows - and china.”
-Charles Dickens

Herringbone and parallel parlors

In herringbone and parallel parlors, the milker generally milks one row at a time. The milker will move a row of cows from the holding yard into the milking parlor, and milk each cow in that row. Once all or most of the milking machines have been removed from the milked row, the milker releases the cows to their feed. A new group of cows is then loaded into the now vacant side and the process repeats until all cows are milked. Depending on the size of the milking parlor, which normally is the bottleneck, these rows of cows can range from four to six

The machine knows when to pull the milker off the cows teats.
Yes my darling here is where your Land Oh Lakes butter starts...  Have you milked a cow today???  And where does that Soy milk come from  Bubba?  or that Almond Milk?

“The only difference between a pigeon and the American farmer today is that a pigeon can still make a deposit on a John Deere.”  
Bubba Collins
but more importantly here is where my Wilson's Ice Cream starts!  And yes notice the size of the TO GO ice cream container.  What kind of freezer do you need to have to hold that colossal super sized container!!

I had always thought that once you grew up you could do anything you wanted - stay up all night or eat ice-cream straight out of the container.
Bill Bryson 

Remember this lovely Chapel from our 2009 trip?  This family built it behind their home in Sister Bay and keep it open and welcome all of us Orthodox tourists in to pray.  And again I told Bubba that I wanted my own Chapel and that my library/office is not cutting it.  Since there is no blood test at the door figuring out if you are an Orthodox I susppose they also welcome "others" as well.
A serene pathway to the Lord's Chapel...Bubs says it was very nice of this family to build this prayerful place and invite us in to worship.  What would you call our Chapel?   Is there a Patron Saint of Farms?

West Point’s "Harder Right"
This quotation is from the "Cadet Prayer." It is repeated every Sunday in chapel services at West Point:
"Make us choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong, and never to be contented with half truth when whole truth can be won. Endow us with courage that is born of loyalty to all that is noble and worthy, ...

Ok, Boca, I have an idea.  I can get you one of those prefab Gazebo's and have it hauled up to my soon to be farm.  Then we could have Father Chris over for some real Blessing...not a bad idea Bubs.  I'll even let you be my Deacon.  Deacon Bubba.  Has quite a ring to it.

The chanting music plays 24/7 and the candles are lit for the Orthodox tourists.  What a lovely gesture and sharing of their belief.  Bubba liked the idea that it was down the street from Wilson's.....  So Bubba and I struck a deal.  Every time he Deacons' for me, I will make him a Wilson Style Hot Fudge Sundae.  Done and AMEN!


MY FAVORITE PRESIDENT-REGAN- DECLARED JULY NATIONAL ICE CREAM MONTH and this is  the place to be to celebrate!  Getting taken by our parents to get ice cream cones on warm summer evenings is one of our favorite childhood memories and a tradition we’re having no trouble keeping up as adults!  As summer heats up and Americans turn to ice cream as a way to cool off, over one-quarter (27%) say chocolate is their favorite flavor while 22% each say vanilla and cookie dough/cookies and cream. One in five (20%) say butter pecan/Swiss almond and 17% of Americans say their favorite flavor is mint chocolate chip. Lesser numbers say rocky road (14%), strawberry (13%), cherry vanilla (9%), coffee (9%), pistachio (8%) and peanut butter (8%), while 3% of Americans do not eat ice cream.  COMMIES.  And your favorite is??????????

Hip Hip hooray!
The delicious frozen dairy products of today evolved from the flavored ices popular with the Romans in the 4th century B.C. The hand-crank freezer, patented in 1846, led to the establishment of the first commercial ice cream plant in Baltimore in 1851. Frozen yogurt was introduced in the late 1960s, and has since enjoyed increased popularity.  For  Aficionado's  Ice Cream is one of the four food groups up here.  Take it in a cone, dish, stick or on a waffle.  MMMM.

Ice cream must be part of a religious rite up here.  Ice Cream shop after Ice cream shop- surely it has to be a near Olympic event in Wisconsin.  Wilson's (since 1906)...you can get the Wilson's Banquet for $15.95...5 flavors of ice-cream and 3 toppings, loaded with whipped cream, cherries and pecans.

My personal favorite is the NOT LICKED YET frozen custard.  Heavy on the egg yolk solids please.  Bubba couldn't get enough of the Turtle Sundae- vanilla custard, hot fudge, hot caramel and pecan halves.  It took him 2 days to work off that Sundae.  Then there's the Pudgy Bunny Sundae- a nest of Oreo cookies, chocolate custard, amazon chocolate shell with bunny ears.   And even better- the SNICKERDOODLE DOO SUNDAE-  2 Fresh Baked Snickerdoodle Cookies Sandwiching a large scoop of vanilla custard covered with hot caramel.    And don't forget the VIKING SUNDAE- chocolate, vanilla and butter pecan custard topped with hot fudge, hot caramel and marshmallow topping along with the cashew coating!  Never mind the Door County Ice Cream Factory with those gargantuan waffle cones...I think the locals have been eyeing us as participants in the ICE CREAM EATING COMPETITION this weekend.

My horoscope read- get out of here before you have to go back on another one of those wacko diets Boca!  Now is a perfect time to take up a new exercise regimen.  Be warned, however, that the struggle will not be to find motivation:  instead, the struggle will be with the Spandex that mocks you each morning.



Yes you read that right.  So up Bubba's alley- at the American Folkore Theater- yup back to the Peninsula Park.  An outdoor theater- Boca took a gallon of Off and a Burka.  Advertised as "the hunting musical that promises more bang for the buck".    I had to hand it to our 3 actors getting out there in the woods dressed as deer...

A "deerly" beloved musical for my honey.  A show with a deer ballet? a talking buck? and lots of up Nort talk....youse, dem, deez, tree (three)....Bubba felt he was with some of my family.
Oh yes Bubba, I can hardly wait.  I am sure our recent trip to Broadway will have nothing on this...payback is a @(^&$

And a stop off at the concession stand to pick up your very own Cherry Hat or Hunter Hat...all made by the Actors!

Deerly Beloved?...what I do for my husband.

Anybody up for Lumberjacks in Love?
