Well of course it has initials...AFAUSSS...and they call it a "conference" but I call it a lot of merriment and madness. Looking forward to four days of reconnecting and toasting. And Bubs, why does most everyone else look old but us??? Hey, Boca I hate to break it to you but "they" is us. I continue to be a legend in my own mind I guess. We checked in The Omni last night and explained to the young man at the desk how particular Boca is regarding her room and view. Bubs took a deep breath and said, "she ain't kidding kid." And so the very smart and lovely young man who checked us in, Chris, put Boca in a fabulous room on the top floor with a very nice view of the Olympic Centennial Park.

However, when Boca hooked up her lap top in the room a pop up occurred that said she would be charged $9.95 a day. Oh No No NO. They don't mean Boca has to pay extra for her wi-fi. So while Bubs begged me not to call my new friend Chris, of course I had to. And my new fine young friend said "Oh Ms Boca, you are so right. I agree-YOU should not have to pay extra for the Internet. I'll take care of it right now." I always enjoyed southern hospitality. Shout out to Chris- good job y'all.
The Atlanta Conference Team has lined up a great schedule including a CNN TOUR-right across the Omni lobby. The world's first all news around the clock TV network got its start in Atlanta by "The Mouth of The South"- Ted Turner. Always on the lookout for the next frontier Mr. Turner launched CNN in 1980 and forever changed the news world. From it's initial subscription of 1.7 million to it's current viewership of more than 1 Billion in 212 countries, it has become quite the story. Did somebody say Nancy Grace? These past few years, Bubba affectionately refers to CNN as the Communist News Network. I think it had something to do with that $1Billion gift to the UN. Oh Bubs, broaden those horizons. As you know he is a confirmed FOX man. And one of my favorite Ted Turner quotes- "If I had ANY humility I would be perfect." We did have lunch at Ted's Montana Grill-mmmmmm Boca does love a tasty Bison Burger. Hey Captain Courageous, when do we get a Ted's in Boca???
The other Atlanta legend is Coca- Cola. And another tour was arranged by the SS Atlanta Team. So the Collins and our pals the Pritchard's mosey over to the "new" Coke Museum. Of course these 2 former Cops (Bubs and Mike) can't resist talking to the local Cop about Copping these days. As they say, once a cop always a cop. Yes that's the oh so fab Aquarium behind the guys.....more about that later. We head over there tomorrow evening for dinner.
Laura and Boca are all smiles having fun in this oh so cool museum. The new and improved Coca-Cola Museum (remember the old one in front of the Underground?) opened in 2009 to tell the Coke story in a new and high tech fashion. This carbonated soft drink is sold in more than 200 countries- we know it as Coke. It was invented by a local Atlanta man in 1886 and bought and trade marked in 1944 by Casa Griggs Candler- whose brilliant marketing techniques took it to the world. The company produces concentrate which is then sold to licensed Coca-Cola bottlers throughout the world.
Brilliant marketing and name recognition to the max. Bubs enjoys all the Coke memorabilia. The movies were so hip- be sure and go to the Happiness Factory Theater and see the 4-D Movie. You heard ol'Boca- 4 D. I told Bubs he should sit through the movie twice so a little of that happiness stuff would rub off on him. Say what? Ok, let's get over to the tasting room filled with a lot of the "pop" ok we're in the south, Coke they sell all around the world. Over 500 flavors!
Remember NEW COKE in 1985- bust. And CLASSIC COKE- bust again. Hey Bubs, why doesn't your favorite store, Costco, sell Coke? Something about a dispute in 2009 Boca. How about some of those Coke health effects? Hey, whats a little aggressive marketing to kids, exploitive labor practices, some environmental destruction, union busting, some pesticides in the mix, high fructose corn syrup, mercury and caffeine...between us? As they say THINGS GO BETTER WITH COKE!

Ah come on Boca, as Laura reminded me of Jack
and Coke. Good point. NUFF SAID.

Oh and one smooch from Ms Coke for Bubs.
However, when Boca hooked up her lap top in the room a pop up occurred that said she would be charged $9.95 a day. Oh No No NO. They don't mean Boca has to pay extra for her wi-fi. So while Bubs begged me not to call my new friend Chris, of course I had to. And my new fine young friend said "Oh Ms Boca, you are so right. I agree-YOU should not have to pay extra for the Internet. I'll take care of it right now." I always enjoyed southern hospitality. Shout out to Chris- good job y'all.

Laura and Boca are all smiles having fun in this oh so cool museum. The new and improved Coca-Cola Museum (remember the old one in front of the Underground?) opened in 2009 to tell the Coke story in a new and high tech fashion. This carbonated soft drink is sold in more than 200 countries- we know it as Coke. It was invented by a local Atlanta man in 1886 and bought and trade marked in 1944 by Casa Griggs Candler- whose brilliant marketing techniques took it to the world. The company produces concentrate which is then sold to licensed Coca-Cola bottlers throughout the world.
Remember NEW COKE in 1985- bust. And CLASSIC COKE- bust again. Hey Bubs, why doesn't your favorite store, Costco, sell Coke? Something about a dispute in 2009 Boca. How about some of those Coke health effects? Hey, whats a little aggressive marketing to kids, exploitive labor practices, some environmental destruction, union busting, some pesticides in the mix, high fructose corn syrup, mercury and caffeine...between us? As they say THINGS GO BETTER WITH COKE!
Ah come on Boca, as Laura reminded me of Jack
and Coke. Good point. NUFF SAID.
Dang, and I thought we could slip right by the gift shop. Ok Boca, what in the hey are you going to do with this jumbo Coke bottle? We need it because????
Hey where's Mike??? Back in the museum trying to figure out the next "Coke" to invest in....this homegrown Atlanta boy doesn't want to miss that next opportunity.
A must see on your next visit to Atlanta...