

Not a utensil but Jan and Brian's country village.  The name came from one of the men who founded Nashville.  We start the rainy day at Country Boys with some southern style chow.  Bubs is disappointed that we missed the first annual Fried Food Festival- fried catfish, rooster fries, green tomatoes and FRIED GIRL SCOUT COOKIES, TWINKIES and SNICKERS!  Yes Yes Bubbs you can come back next year for the second annual- followed by the Hillbilly Woodstock.

Leipers is a regular Mayberry, USA.  Complete with a Barney Fife police car permanently parked in town.  This cute village offers the quaintness of the past and the convenience of the present with friendly merchants, great country cooking and down home entertainment.  The town is actually quite artsy so we walked between the rain drops poking around the shops.  Hey Jan, what is that?  A duster.  A duster?  Yes, very popular with the country music stars and their stage wardrobe. Weren't they worn by Cowboys?  Yes, Boca but Country Stars historically have fashioned themselves after Cowboys....and Boca thought the only thing a country music singer needed was a an accent. So back to Chill Hill to "chill" and ready for the evening in Nashville.


Being the curious girl I said I have to see your closet and figure out how you do all that traveling and always look so fab...come on in Boca.  Opening the door to a new sense of order and organization.  Carumba!!  Talk about going into the closet....

 This 24 x 16 foot closet is the epitome of organization.  This world traveler uses her World Map Counter for suit case packing.  And of course she has a staging area for organizing for those world wide travels.  Bubs, that pole in the garage won't cut it anymore!

Including a tag on each outfit noting the date and where she wore it!  Girl you are taking it to another level.  Purses, belts and a special shelf for the many many scarves...must be that British influence of scarf wearing.   Jan, would you do anything differently?  Yes Boca, I should have had a scale built in the suitcase packing counter to keep track of that pesky suitcase weight.  Ahem, good point Jan.   So Boca Babes, my pal Jan has upped our game for OCD.  Thank you Jan for sharing that oh so fab closet.  You have inspired Bubs to put all of his underwear in one drawer and not all over the bedroom.  And I thank you for that!

So over to The Station Inn, a historic Nashville venue, playing every Tuesday night.  What a hilarious parody-lampooning the country music tradition of iconic duos and their subsequent battle of the sexes .  Over the past 3 years Doyle and Debbie have developed a cult - Jan and Brian have been several times and I can see why- I laughed until I cried.  This  low-brow inspiration turned out to be hilarious fun.  The song list included:  Whine Whine Twang Twang, Stock Car Love, Fat Women in Trailers, When You're Screwin Other Women-Think of Me, I Ain't No Homo- But Man You sure Look Good To Me and on and on.  The two talented performers had us in stitches and me drinking beer from a bottle....that one more Bud Wiser thing.  The place was packed in spite of hard seats and a limited fair of beer, coolers and popcorn...oh and don't forget the nachos.  Great selection Jan and Brian.  We are still laughing.  And you Chicago people- the traveling show is appearing in October at the Royal George Theater- order those tickets now and prepare to laugh!