My cousin Bob's daughter, Stacy, was the bride and YOU KNOW HOW MUCH BOCA LOVES A WEDDING. This Serb matchmaker incessantly does her best to get folks parading down the aisle. St. Micheal's is located in a south suburb and is majestic with iconography. This was the church I was baptized and married in- then located in South Chicago. Our iconography is a very important part of our church. In the Orthodox Church an icon is a sacred image, a window into heaven. An image of another reality, of a person, time and place that is more real than here and now. This church is spectacular in it's iconography. What a special and sacred place for some vows.

More than art, icons have an important spiritual role. The iconographer must prepare "himself"- are there female iconographers? for the task of painting an icon by following a strict discipline of fasting and prayer. The iconographer at St. Micheal's has been at it for over 8 years. Painting the icon is no use of imagination. Instead the icon will be painted using the prescribed regime and style that has been passed down through the centuries. The primary purpose of the icon is to aid in worship, its design follows that purpose.
Through lines and color the iconographer conveys the awesomeness of the invisible, divine reality. Icons are not created to force an emotional response- but I cannot help myself. I am very emotional being in the presence of God and this extraordinary iconography. Icons depict silence- no actions, no open mouths. The same cannot be said for Boca.

The icon invites the Christian to enter into contemplation, prayer and silence. There are never shadows in iconography. This shows us that the saint portrayed is glorified -having completed the race and entered into heaven. And mostly icons are a constant reminder of the incarnation of Christ. Have you been in an Orthodox Christian Church? While much the same they are always different and still spectacular. No simple chapel for us.

This is a picture of the dome. When I stand in this church I look around at the icons of Christ, Mary the Blessed Virgin, saints and angels and am reminded of a larger reality. It reminds me that I have stepped out of one world and into another. It reminds me that though we struggle on a daily basis to remain faithful to our beliefs and our God there are many who have finished this life successfully and now dwell in a place were there is no more sorrow. I am encouraged to persevere. I love to visit Orthodox churches around the world, as many are very old and have not changed much throughout the centuries. Bubba and I renewed our 30th marriage vows at Kasansky Cathedral in St. Petersburg, Russia. That was a day to remember- 102 degrees and Bubs sweating through his jacket and me in a woolen babushka.

There is nothing like a Serbian Wedding. Our very own "Toula"- Stacy. While this is no My Big Fat Greek or Gypsy wedding- the Serbs can be equally zany. Lots of liveliness and hysteria but the traditional wedding goes on without a hitch. And speaking of My Big Fat Greek Wedding did you know it cost $5 million to make and it grossed over $368 million- a cool 6150% return? The highest grossing comedy in history. And Bubs chimed in my "wife says I never listen, or something like that." Watch out Bubba, before I grab that Windex and straighten you out.

The marriage celebration of Anastasia Xenia Marie Pavich to Patrick Everett Burgess- both lawyers- is truly a blessed event. The bride was absolutely gorgeous in her Priscilla of Boston gown. Wow! And how about that spectacular veil. The Rings are blessed by the priest and then given to the best man who exchanges the rings three times, taking the brides ring and placing it on the groom's finger and vice versa. This signifies that by themselves the betrothed couple are incomplete, together they are made perfect as I have been reminding Bubba of this for years. Yes Stacy, don't let him forget those first wedding rings can be enhanced later...
The bride and groom are handed candles which they hold throughout part of the wedding service signifying the spiritual willingness of the the couple to receive Christ. Come on baby light my fire!
The priest joins the right hands of the bride and groom. The hands are kept joined throughout the service to symbolize the oneness of the couple. What's your's is mine and what's mine is mine.
The crowning of the couple is the apex of the wedding service. The bride and groom are crowned as the king and queen of their own little kingdom-the home- which they will rule with wisdom, justice and integrity and a Platinum American Express.
The drinking of wine from the common cup serves to impress upon the couple that from that moment on they will share everything in life- joys as well as sorrows. And that includes the American Express Bill.
The husband and wife take their first steps as a married couple in a circle around the Gospel and the Cross. The Priest, who shows them the way they must walk, leads them. We are reminded the Jimmy Choos will aid in the walking...

The Priest, to end the service, blesses the newly married couple. The traditional blessing, "God Grant You Many Years," is sung during the recessional....and another one bites the dust mumbled Bubs. If you have the opportunity to attend a Serbian wedding by all means do. You are in for a treat.

It is the grace and beauty of the Serbian Orthodox wedding ceremony- the solemn Sacrament of Marriage itself, and it's also the heart thumping kolo dancing and tambura music outside of the church after the service by the wedding party and well-wishers and of course some schlivovitz! We were blessed with beautiful weather- whewww. Rain may be "good luck" but good weather makes everything easy to move around and fab pictures.
Alex loves the tambura music.

Such a festive scene! It is a must to record with your eyes, ears and heart everything that you are seeing and hearing. That way, you'll always be able to forever cherish and call forth those beautiful memories. Ziveli, Svatorvo!

The Chicago Renaissance Blackstone hotel has long been a favorite of movie stars, sports legends, royalty and presidents since 1910. This Chicago landmark hotel has been restored to its original splendor. It was shuttered in 1999 and briefly held by the Maharishi Yogi, the Beatles guru and then acquired by Sage Hospitality . As a matter of fact we met the Sage mother in law, Judy, while on a family cruise. She had a whole lot of Collins Cruisin Fun so we called and told her to join us at the Blackstone. Oh Boca my darling, you have to give me more notice than 1 day. Good point Judy I guess you just can't run over from Denver. Her son in law did a fab job on the renovation. Good choice for venue Stacy and Patrick. My Mom (88 yrs) and her two sisters, Sophie -87 and Emmie- 86 said "let's get this show on the road and have some fun!
Alex loves the very French Beaux-Art architecture and the art- loaded with over 1,400 works of Chicago artists.

Cocktail hour fun. Kum Dan Cetina and lady also came up from Florida. Always a smile on his face. What a great guy. And Baba of the Bride, Aunt Sophie and clan Pavich. How did you take that 115 degree heat in Scottsdale this summer Aunt Soph?
Cousin Bob and his BFF Father Vesin touch base. "Bob, marriage is when a man and woman become as one: the trouble starts when they try to decide which one. Yes, Bob we will pray for Patrick".
And what about those superstitions? Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue and a silver sixpence in her shoe. What is that all about? Did anybody fengshui this place?

The Hor d'oeuvres appetizers were not only unique but also delicious. The days of cheese and crackers are long gone...Boca loves when the wine flows allowing people to relax after that intense Serbian Marriage service. It was held in the Art Hall- a chance to look at some of the very cool artwork. The cocktail hour really set the mood for the reception. No boredom here with our family hugging and kissing and catching up.
Wedding planning...invitations and stationary, wedding cakes, wedding flowers, reception options, food, booze, centerpieces, ceremony and particulars, guest list, wedding favors, wedding programs, traditions, save the date cards, transportation, brides dress, bridesmaid dresses, mother of the bride dress, make up /hair, groom tux and groomsmen the same, flower girl, ring bearer, music and dancing, photographer, your church or mine, toasts, bridal registry, showers, honeymoon and on and on. I can see why it takes a year to pull it all together. I don't know how this family and couple came up with a guest list not including thousands as they are known and loved by many. How do you "draw the line" on who gets invited??? Bubs says "elope".
Wedding reception continues...

Such a beautiful cake of course. The wedding cake was originally lots of little wheat cakes that were broken over the Brides's head to bestow good luck and fertility. And today a major production and a part of the theme. And here comes the bride and groom for that first dance. The reception room design and architecture looked like a beautiful wedding cake. What a backdrop and setting for Stacy and Patrick's special day. And such a twirly entrance- the dress bustled up beautifully for fun and dancing at the reception.
Yia Yia reminds Alex that she looks forward to dancing at her wedding. Get busy! Ok, maybe I said the get busy.

Kevin and Darcy enjoy the festivities.
And Kev added a few remarks....the most effective way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once. A man said his credit card was stolen but he decided not to report it because the thief was spending less than his wife did-take heed Patrick. Love is blind-but marriage is a real eye opener. And always remember do not argue with Stacy when she is packing your parachute. A little lawyerly joking.

Ok gang take your seats so Dad and Mom can welcome you and Sis, Hope, can give the Maid of Honor Toast. I gave some suggestions for toasting....." If you want a committed man look in a mental hospital. And yes every man and woman should marry- after all, happiness is not the only thing in life." Yeah and what about all that wedding etiquette? And all those toasts. I have heard some lame and oh so embarrassing toasts in my life. What were they thinking? But the toasters at this fete did a great job celebrating the bride and groom. The reception is the ultimate celebration of the most glorious day of a couple's life. Figuring out the order of things and how the heck you're going to pay for all of this adds to the fun. Ha Ha. And Bubba again mumbles "Alex elope".

And on with the first dance and the start of all that wedding dancing fun. Thanks for including us in your special day Stacy and Patrick. An absolutely fabulous wedding. May the good Lord watch over you always. Ok Boca go dance and don't forget the after party- they have sliders!!
Bubba offered a little marriage wisdom to Patrick....any married man should forget his mistakes. There's no use in two people remembering the same thing.
and Boca's favorite
"The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret." Henny Youngman.