NASHVILLE, best known today as the capital of country music. It's musical history dates back to 1927 when radio broadcasting changed from Grand Opera to the more popular Barn Dance show-here comes the GRAND OLE OPRY-hee haw. The "mother church" of country music. Don't forget it is also the state capital. Our pals we affectionately refer to as the Nashville Cats- Jan and Brian- live here- well actually NEAR Franklin, well actually Leiper Forks. Both spots have become more or less Suburbs of Nashville. A countrified version of suburb and oh so beautiful. Jan, recently retiring from 28 years at Ernst and Young (the last 20 in London) had an opportunity to live absolutely anywhere in the world and after CPA stealth analysis and many spread sheets chose Nashville. And now we know why!

They built their dream home so perfectly named "CHILL HILL".

Hey Bubs, why don't we have CASA DUH BUBBA in the bottom of our pool? And how about that work out room up in the trees. Both keep themselves in great shape. Brian is an avid biker and member of the local bike club- riding these beautiful country rodes over 100 miles every week. For fun? And yes a full scale basketball court in the basement in case all that riding, elliptical and bouncing on that ball is not enough....

Boca's balcony and yes there is Faith Hill and Tim McGraw's home (country music folks) right down the hill. I channeled Patsy Cline's-CRAZY- to see if I could get an invite for a sing along over there. But no mas. I guess they couldn't take the competition. And see that white marble sculpture- that's a replica of Jan and Brian dancing at their 25th Anniversary- held at, where else, Cinderella's Castle- Disney World! How's that for a 25th venue- kids at heart! Bubs didn't think there was enough marble in a slab to do one of us.....

Their office-Command central. They have a partners desk- can you see Bubba and Boca sitting in the same room let alone sharing a desk. Ha. Since Jan's retirement she has been busy traveling and doing Board of Director work mainly over seas. We chatted about how there are so few woman on corporate boards-STILL. She explained the differences between American Corp Boards and rest of the world Corp Boards. Interesting. As I mentioned- ANY Board would be lucky to have this braniac of business on their board. And one more time, why so few woman on all of these corporate boards? It was fun to catch up on recent travels and the agenda for future travels. I can see why they need CHILL HILL.