

HUH?  A National Park in Ohio?  Well, we've done 54 of the 58 so we must.  How did this "crooked" river get National Park status?  I had to ask the Ranger.  And may I quote her "We know people in high places".  You know Boca and Bubs are big fans of our National Park system but surely there needs to be something significant before a piece of property is deemed so.  This 90 mile river begins in Cleveland and ending in Akron.  Whoop de do!    While a lovely valley?  why?  And make no mistake, suburban houses are all around and in the "park".  The Park preserves 33,000 acres along this river.  In 1974 Congress created Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area as an urban park.  Ok.  Should have just left it at that but in 2000 the area became a National Park.  Bubs flipped.  His tax dollar not at work again.  So what is the criteria for becoming a National Park? How are National Parks created?  What criterion make an area eligible to be a National Park?  Per the National Park criterion-
A proposed until is considered nationally significant if it meets all four of the following standards:
1.  it is an outstanding example of a particular type of resource
2.  it possesses exceptional value or quality in illustrating or interpreting the natural or cultural themes of our Nations heritage
3.  it offers superlative opportunities for recreating recreation for public use and enjoyment or for scientific study
4.  it retains a high degree of integrity as an accurate, and relatively unspoiled example of the resource.

and may I quote the National Park folks further...
Suitability:  An area that is nationally significant must be criteria for suitability and feasibility to qualify as a potential addition to the National Park System.  To be suitable for inclusion an area must represent a natural or cultural theme or type of recreational resource that is not already adequately represented in the System or is not comparably represented and protected for public enjoyment by another land-managing entity.  Adequacy of representation is determined on a case-by-case basis by comparing the proposed area to other units in the National Park System for differences or similarities in the character, quality, quantity, or combination of resources and opportunities for public enjoyment.
Feasibility:  To be feasible as a new unit of the National Park System and area's natural systems and/or historic settings must be of sufficient size and appropriate configuration to ensure long-term protection of the resources and to accommodate public use.  It must have potential for efficient administration as a reasonable cost.  Here's where they lost Bubba.  And at the end of the day....a political boondoggle.  What's your take?  After all you are paying for it.


The R and R is a museum that opened in 1995 and is located on the shore of Lake Erie in downtown Cleveland.  Cleveland?  It is dedicated to archiving the history of some of the best known and most influential artist, producers, engineers and others in the world of Rock and Roll.  And how did it get built in Cleveland?  Legend says one guy-Alan Freed, a local DJ took a stand and convinced the civic leaders to lobby and fund the museum.  I am sure the $65 million promised had something to do with the choice as well.  Boca is wondering why wasn't it built in NY or LA?  Never the less Boca had a ball as anything was better than lame Cuyohoga National Park.

Recognize that glass pyramid?  I.M Pei did the design- you know the American architect who did the addition to the Louvre in Paris.  Now that Boca can play the air guitar she is beside herself in learning there is a special exhibition of WOMEN IN ROCK.  Hurry Bubba, step it up.  There are 7 levels to the building so be sure to wear your walking shoes to  tromp up and down those steps and suspended escalators.
Janis Joplin paid $3500 for this 1965 WHITE Porsche 356C Cabriolet.  No ordinary paint job would do for this feisty girl from Texas so she created the psychedelic design including an imagine of her and Big Brother (Holding Company) on the front left fender.  It has been restored several times and the Joplin family has it on loan to the Museum.  Pleep loved "driving" it around...until the Rock Security folks pulled him over.
So Boca how are the Inductees selected to the Hall of Fame?   Boca did a little diggin and here is what the museum info told me....Here are a few passages about the criteria from the Rock Hall's own website:
Leaders in the music industry joined together in 1983 to establish the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Foundation. One of the Foundation’s many functions is to recognize the contributions of those who have had a significant impact on the evolution, development and perpetuation of rock and roll by inducting them into the Hall of Fame.Artists become eligible for induction 25 years after the release of their first record. Criteria include the influence and significance of the artists’ contributions to the development and perpetuation of rock and roll.
Terry Stewart, the President of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Museum (and Nominating Committee member), expands upon that criteria in the letter he sends to fans who seek induction of their favorite artist [Update: Read Stewart's latest letter here.]
Nomination and induction into the Hall of Fame is not about popularity, records sales, which label the group is on, or anything other than the process below. The love for, the evaluation of, and the impact of any artist are subjective questions to be answered by the nominators and the voters. Unlike baseball, football, basketball or hockey, statistics are not relevant. Please read below:The entire nomination and induction process is coordinated by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Foundation in New York City. Individuals can be inducted in four categories: Performer, Early Influence, Non-Performer and Side-Men. The only formal criteria for the performance category is that an artist has to have had their first record 25 years ago. That said, candidates are reviewed and discussed relative to their impact on this music that we broadly call rock and roll. The innovation and influence of these artists is also critical. Gold records, number one hits, and million sellers are really not appropriate standards for evaluation.
So what do you think the criteria for induction should be? If you were on the Nominating Committee would you e able to set aside your personal taste in evaluating the worthiness of various artists? Should you?
I so loved that Chuck Berry was inducted in the first year- 1986.  Some of you  may remember when my pal, Jo, out in San Francisco, had a 60th Birthday Bash for her hubby Bill a few years ago.  Well, the first record Bill ever bought was a Chuck Berry record.  And guess who she had play at Bill's 60th?  Yup.  Ol' Chuck.  Much to Alex's "amazement"-code for another word,  ol'Chuck  (over 80 plus years strong) invited ol Boca up on that stage. If only I had known how to Air Guitar back then...     Good choice Hall of Fame.

Bubs had to drag Boca out of the Rock museum.  Boca just couldn't get enough of her youthful memories.  Bubs gently reminded her that our friend Fred was waiting and was sure that he had a libation ready for her.   We were introduced to Ferrari Fred through a friend from Chicago.  In her younger day, Diane,  had worked for Fred at one of his night clubs in Honolulu.  Anybody ever been to Scruples?  A Pittsburgh boy, then a Viet Nam Vet ended up in Waikiki.  Previous to that he lived in DC and  roomed with and knew half of Keith's buddies from the Secret Service.   Knowing just about most of the old timer agents and the stories that go along with them it buddy at first sight for Bubs. He really enjoys Fred and walking down memory lane reminiscing about the early SS days and looked forward to a visit to Rancho Ferrari.  In Cleveland?  Hey a guys gotta store his car's somewhere.

Yes the holding pad for his car collection. Hey Bubs, what's a Shelby Hertz Mustang?  and a 1171 Ferrari 365 Gt B/4?  and a Lamborghini 895?  And more.  A boy and his toys.  First stop check out the wheels.  But how in the heck do you fit behind the wheel Fred?  Ah, with a crane and some huffing Boca.  I hear ya.  Now what about that libation- it's been a long day after much "rocking" and air guitar.
Fred's place is tucked away in a woods near Cleveland- quite the manly compound.  Bubba was in Man Mecca.  Freddie bought it from a guy who built log homes so you can imagine Log Heaven.  Bub loved everything about this manly hacienda.

 Freddie owned"SCRUPLES' in Honolulu for many years- known for the longest running bikini contest amongst other things....  We enjoyed looking at the memorabilia from the nightclub days and the velvet rope stories.  Much of Fred's decor came out of his Montana Cowboy digs....bringing new meaning to Rhinestone Cowboy.

         There was so much to take in at Fred's but this picture caught my attention- of Tony Curtis painting a self portrait in his later years.  Funny how we see ourselves.  Fred was a pall bearer at Tony's funeral a few years back. Oh yeah, this is Bubba's kinda Rancho.

Per Fred, "Those who can't laugh at themselves leave the job to others."  Well said Freddie, thank you for a fun and fabulous visit. You Rock- just like the rest of Cleveland.  Who knew.