

Dubuque in 1865, steamboat Iowa on the right, the Shot Tower on the far right edge.
The City of Dubuque is among the oldest European settlements west of the Mississippi River. 

Saint Mary's, one of 11 Catholic churches in Dubuque.
The current City of Dubuque, named after Julien Dubuque, was settled at the southern end of a large, flat plain adjacent to the Mississippi River. The city was officially chartered in 1833, located in then-unorganized territory. The region was designated as the Iowa Territory in 1838, and was included in the newly-created State of Iowa in 1846. After the lead resources were exhausted, the city became home to numerous industries. Because of its proximity to forests in Minnesota and Wisconsin, Dubuque became a center for the timber industry, and was later dominated by various millworking businesses. Between 1860 and 1880, Dubuque was one of the 100 largest urban areas in the United States.  Also important were boat buildingbrewing, and later, the railroad industry. Iowa’s first church was built by Methodists in 1834. Since then, Iowans have followed a variety of religious traditions.  Throughout the 19th century, and into the early 20th century, thousands of poor German and Irish Catholic immigrants came to work in the manufacturing centers. The city's Roman Catholic presence became so predominant that it was designated as the seat of the newly-established Archdiocese of Dubuque, and numerous convents, abbeys, and other religious instititutions were built. Much of the population remains Catholic to this day.
Early in the 20th Century, Dubuque was one of several places which saw a brass era automobile company, in this case Adams-Farwell; like most others, it folded. Subsequently, although Dubuque grew significantly, industrial activity remained the mainstay of the economy until the 1980s. During that time, a series of changes in manufacturing, and the onset of the "Farm Crisis" led to a large decline in the sector, and the city's economy as a whole. However, the economy diversified rapidly in the 1990s, shifting away from heavy industry. Today, tourismhigh technology, and publishing are among the largest and fastest-growing businesses. Dubuque attracts well over 1,500,000 tourists annually, and this number continues to increase. Some of the more important changes include the ongoing construction of the America's River Project's tourist attractions in the Port of Dubuque, the expansion of the city's colleges, and the continued growth of shopping centers, like Asbury Plaza.


So over to a Super Club for dinner...last time they redecorated was 1970.  A lovely view of the Mississippi...lots of sand in the streets and a mess due to recent flooding.  Pound cake appetizer.  Yup, this is true.  A first for Boca.

One of Kathy's friends, Connie joined us for a early birthday dinner for Kathy.  Over the years of Scouting (Kath's son Donnie is an Eagle Scout!) Kathy has had the opportunity to develop friendships with the Scouting community.  It was a pleasure to meet one of the gang.   And a good time was had by all.  Kathy's signature birthday drink- a WHITE RUSSIAN.  Who knew from Dr. Zhivago?