I hope you enjoyed riding along with Bubba and Boca. You may be thinking, who knew the mid-west could be so much fun. What a great country! Our highlight is always the Fisher House visits. The Fisher House program recognizes the special sacrifices of our men and women in uniform. These comfort homes are built on the grounds of major military and VA medical centers- enabling family members to be close to their loved ones during stressful times. This year we will have visited 34 of the 39 locations. Each one as spectacular and special as the last one-providing a home away from home for our military families. Please keep our military, the Veterans and their families in your thoughts and prayers during these trying times. And please consider stepping up and making a difference in a soldier's life. Perhaps giving a "gift"donation to honor your sweetheart, friend, family member for their birthday, anniversary or holiday by clicking www.fisherhouse.org -making it easy to give and make a difference. If the mission touches your heart, on behalf of the families I thank you.
Founder Fisher House Program
1910- 1999
Ol' Bubs and I are so blessed to have such a great family and wonderful friends. Thank you for the love and kindness we experienced on the trip. And a hello to new friends we met along the way. Next stop Tibet, Nepal and India- come join us and walk the steps of Gandhi, the Dali Lama and Mother Theresa. Ol'Boca's got to get her enlightenment on. Until the next time, thanks for riding along with us and I hope you enjoyed the trip.

Founder Fisher House Program
1910- 1999
Ol' Bubs and I are so blessed to have such a great family and wonderful friends. Thank you for the love and kindness we experienced on the trip. And a hello to new friends we met along the way. Next stop Tibet, Nepal and India- come join us and walk the steps of Gandhi, the Dali Lama and Mother Theresa. Ol'Boca's got to get her enlightenment on. Until the next time, thanks for riding along with us and I hope you enjoyed the trip.
Bubba and Boca