

 I hope you enjoyed riding along with Bubba and Boca.  You may be thinking, who knew the mid-west could be so much fun.  What a great country!  Our highlight is always the Fisher House visits.  The Fisher House program recognizes the special sacrifices of our men and women in uniform.  These comfort homes are built on the  grounds of major military and VA medical centers- enabling family members to be close to their loved ones during stressful times.  This year we will have visited 34 of the 39 locations.  Each one as spectacular and special as the last one-providing a home away from home for our military families.  Please keep our military, the Veterans and their families in your thoughts and prayers during these trying times.  And please consider stepping up and making a difference in a soldier's life.   Perhaps giving a "gift"donation to honor your sweetheart, friend, family member for their birthday, anniversary or holiday by clicking www.fisherhouse.org -making it easy to give and make a difference.  If the mission touches your heart,   on behalf of the families I thank you.


Founder Fisher House Program

1910- 1999

 Ol' Bubs and I are so blessed to have such a great family and wonderful friends.  Thank you for the love and kindness we experienced on the trip.  And a hello to new friends we met along the way.  Next stop Tibet, Nepal and India- come join us and walk the steps of Gandhi, the Dali Lama and Mother Theresa.  Ol'Boca's got to get her enlightenment on.  Until the next time, thanks for riding along with us and I hope you enjoyed the trip.

Bubba and Boca



Headed back to Boca Raton,  Florida. Home Sweet Home.  Pleep and Bubba racked up over 6500 miles-yes they did all of the driving.  Hello, somebody has to be the back seat driver.  Road humour is better than road rage, right?   Life on the road will bring your husband's idiosyncrasies into high relief.  Is he the type to pack a snake bite kit and GPS for a walk around the block?  Does he need a separate cooler just for the first aid kit and mini pharmacy of ache relief, rubs, potions and more?   And certainly he needs 8 flash lights.  By all means don't forget to pack your sense of humor- you will definitely need it.  After being confined in a small space with the person who is most likely to press every single one of your buttons for a prolonged period of time I have come up with the Zen Road Trip Survival Guide.  Is it possible to train your husband how to travel?  I am certain behind every vicious divorce there has been a road trip...so I have come up with BOCA'S 10:  ZEN AND THE ART OF ROAD TRIPPING WITH YOUR HUSBAND

1.  Back seat driving- a must.  No use to keep panic to yourself when the driver is tailgating, swearing like a drunken sailor at those texting, on the phone or in his way...this includes tailgating-.although the tailgate is rare it does happen.    No need for pleonasm here (not a place to use  more words than are necessary to express an idea) as the words will be wasted.  No time to audition for Family Feud either.
2.  Go with the flow.  Get used to rolling through stop signs- in Iowa this counts.  I guess it is better than not stopping at all.  And "time out" is a must...all this togetherness can be "overwhelming'...like too much chocolate cake.   Now and then everyman for himself...you go climb that mountain and pick me up at the mall when you are done.  Practice saying Yes Dear over and over.

3.  Planning-The journey is THE thing-road trips have beginnings and ends but it's what's in between that counts. Right- are we there yet?  No Mr. Spontaneous here.  Boca does some significant planning and routing.  This way you give a heads up to family and friends and have a game plan for the hubby.  When the driver pulls in for gas, it better be the time you need to use the facilities.  Use this time to jump up and down as there will be no leisurely stop offs to have a roadside lunch or navel gaze.  And never never say "I THOUGHT WE WERE...."  Be sure to take your monkey.  Good referee.

4.  Navigating-  WE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN MAP!  Between the GPS, I Phone, I Pad and Laptop no need for that antiquated map.  Gertrude the GPS lady who lives in the dashboard can  guide you along.  Tip:  After a few of Gertrude's "misguided routes"  take a  glance at a real map so you kinda know  the way....Note, the co-pilot gets blamed for everything.  Wine in the car is recommended.

5.  Hunger- and again the driver chooses when and what.  Be prepared to search for a Starbucks cause the other easily accessible coffee places serve  too weak coffee.   Ok Bubs.  Thank you Starbucks APP to make this task simple...right.  Nothing like driving 20 miles out of your way to grab a coffee to go...while passing 30 other establishments with respectable Kava- coffee.  And God forbid you want a warm meal if the driver is not in the mood- WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE FOOD IN THE COOLER!  If I eat any more carrots I am going to turn into a rabbit.  And there are only so many apples a day a person can take Bubs.  And speaking of apples, please don't eat anything to give you the "green apple two step".  Get used to eating at gas stations.

6.  Dashboard Etiquette-and again the driver rules.  Can you hear me groan as mile after mile we listen to Fox news.  Payback can be fabulous.  But then again you have to be the driver.  Amen to the dual temperature controls.
7.  Car Order and Cleanliness- once a day you need to drag everything out of the car and repack it.  Why? As Gretchen Wilson says it gets "all tore up".  Filled with coffee cups and 1/2 empty water bottles, chords to the electronics, several pair of sun glasses, food wrappers, apple cores,  CD's, 1/2 filled cans of Coke, magazines and books gone amuk...never mind the baggies filled with credit card receipts.  And you know Boca saves everyone and files them post trip.  You never know when you will need that $3.98 receipt for nuts and a coke from the truck stop.  Make an agreement on how often you should get the car washed.  In Bubba's mind, dead bugs smashed across the windshield, bumper and hood of the car is a sign of the road warrior.

8.  Men, Woman and Moola-  "Boca, be sure to make a budget for this trip."  A what?  As if putting it in writing would make it "better".  "Boca, money can't buy love or happiness".  Say what Bubba?  Well it sure as heck helps.  Hello, I am  in charge of putting all of the cc receipts in a baggie.  Isn't that enough accountability Bubs?  So the tip is do not let your significant other watch the stock market while traveling- otherwise all you will hear is the mantra "we don't need that!".  Right.

9.  Side Trips-enjoy the unexpected?   My Bubs is always on a mission to get to the next "place".  No veering off to explore the unexpected.  There is no I in Team Bubs and there are no boring places.  And that includes all the cute Tschoke Shops along the way.  One way to convince him for a stop off is mention you heard they are known for their "wings and bbq".  Somehow that gets him interested in those side trips to the Outlet Mall or Museum you want to stop at....

10.  Personal habits- And remember  per Jerry Springer "we're all the same.  Only some of us just dress better".  BRING DEPENDS.

Travel does change you.  In fact I shed many skins on these road trips.  With each skin goes standards, decency, sound eating habits, decorum and appearance.  A journey of love, endurance and TRANSFORMATION for sure.  I have heard "it's the journey that counts- not the destination".  NOT!  So to prevent both of you at the end of the trip-from walking in the door at your home and calling your attorney's consider practicing Boca's Zen.  An attitude of gratitude does help.   And as Vivian Green said "Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass....it's about learning how to dance in the rain!"  I have learned when I choose not to focus on what is missing (except that bathroom break) but are grateful for the abundance that is present I experience heaven on earth.  Oh and one little secret, the Queen of the road has  learned to remove that tiara and  use those headphones.   And I know Bubba appreciates that too!
Keep enjoying YOUR JOURNEY!

Bubba's favorite quote by the end of the trip...
"Bigamy is having one wife too many.  Monogamy is the same."    Oscar Wilde

With Love,

And did you know.....

Think the price of gas is expensive?

All these examples do NOT imply that gasoline is cheap; it just illustrates how outrageous some prices are.... You will be really shocked by the last one! (At least, I was...) This makes one think, and also puts things in perspective.
Compared with Gasoline ...
  • Diet Snapple 16 oz $1.29 = $10.32 per gallon
  • Lipton Ice Tea 16 oz $1.19 = $9.52 per gallon
  • Gatorade 20 oz $1.59 = $10.17 per gallon
  • Ocean Spray 16 oz $1.25 = $10..00 per gallon
  • Brake Fluid 12 oz $3.15 = $33.60 per gallon
  • Vick's Nyquil 6 oz $8.35 ... $178.13 per gallon
  • Pepto Bismol 4 oz $3.85 .. $123.20 per gallon
  • Whiteout 7 oz $1.39 = $25.42 per gallon
  • Scope 1.5 oz $0.99 = $84.48 per gallon
  • Evian water 9 oz $1.49 = $21.19 per gallon! $21.19 for WATER!
  • And this is the REAL KICKER ... Ever wonder why printers are so cheap? So they have you hooked for the ink. Someone calculated the cost of the ink at ... you won't believe it, but it is true ... $5,200 a gallon.
So, the next time you're at the pump, be glad your car doesn't run on water, Scope, Whiteout, Pepto Bismol, Nyquil or God forbid, Printer Ink!
Just a little humor to help ease the pain of your next fill-up.



The Carter Center, in partnership with Emory University- is a stand for Waging Peace, Fighting Disease, Building Hope- very committed to human rights and the alleviation of human suffering.  The Center was founded in 1982 by Jimmy and Roslyn Carter.  It is built on 37 acres, 2 miles from downtown Atlanta.  We had been to the Center years ago and Bubs has worked here many times back in the day when he was stationed in Atlanta but the recent renovation (they completely gutted the Center in 2009) really took it to the next level.

We so enjoyed the brand new -first of its kind-Secret Service Display.  The display will be traveling to the other Presidential Libraries.  Hey, shouldn't they all have their own?  I have to hand it to Mr. Tom Johnson (former CEO of CNN and a friend and fan of the Secret Service) as he spearheaded the effort and raised the dough for the exhibit.  Rocky and Bubs enjoyed reminiscing about the old CAT days (Counter Assault Team- for those in shape tough guys).  Maybe that's how Bubba wore out those knees?  And yes EVERY Presidential Library should have this USSS display as the USSS is a key part of any President's tenure.  Most folks are very curious about the life and job of a US Special Agent so I know it would be popular with visitors.  Further, I think some of these retired agents could do a super job giving an occasional lecture at the respective library chatting about the Agency and their career.  And I know there would be many of the guys/gals who would be willing to do this.  Shout out to the AFAUSSS- are you interested in getting that ball rolling?

The exhibit was well done and special acknowledgements were made by Mr. Johnson. Did you know Abraham Lincoln created the Secret Service 5 days post the end of the Civil War in 1865?  The main mission was suppressing counterfeiting- no not of Luis Vuitton silly- the U.S. currency.  And sadly he ended up being assassinated.  After the assination of President McKinley in 1901, Congress informally requested that the SS protect the President and a year later the SS assumed full time responsibility for Presidential Protection in 1902.  In 1968, as a result of Robert F Kennedy's assassination, Congress authorized protection of major Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates and nominees.  And don't forget about the spouses of deceased Presidents and their kids ( until they are 18 years old).  In 1994 a law was passed stating that Presidents entering office after 1997 would have SS protection for only 10 years after leaving office (as opposed to life time protection).  And post 9/11- The U.S. Patriot Act- named the SS to establish a nationwide network of Electronic Crimes Task Forces (ECTF's) to investigate and prevent attacks on financial and critical infrastructures in the U.S.  And most recently, 2009, expanding this role into Europe.

Well there's the Mrs. and Navy Man (Jimmy was an Annapolis grad) on their wedding day and the actual clothing worn.  Tiny dress- of course Boca's was tiny too.  Grrrr.   Bubs and Boca enjoy visiting the Presidential Libraries. As a matter of fact the National Archives recently distributed a PASSPORT TO PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES (much like the passport for the National Parks).  When Bubs saw me buy one in the gift shop he moaned oh no, I see another Bucket List item being added.   Our favorite so far and of course is the Reagan Library in California.  But I must say they did a hellova job here at the Carter Center with that recent renovation.

Here's Bubs with the Center's Director, Jay Hakes.  Jay not only did an outstanding job on the Center's rehab and upgrade but also wrote a fascinating book "DECLARATION OF ENERGY INDEPENDENCE" and recently served as Director for Policy and Research, National Commission on the BP Horizon Oil Spill and Off Shore Drilling 2010-2011.  I can see why Jay made the Best of Atlanta Hall of Fame.  Not only a southern gentlemen but oh so interesting.  Did you know there are 13 Presidential libraries spread across the country? The Presidential Libraries of the National Archives are not libraries in the usual sense.  They are archives and museums, bringing together in one place the documents and artifacts of a President and his administration- presenting them to us for study and discussion without regard for political consideration or affiliations.

 Good ol' President Roosevelt surveyed the vast quantities of papers and other materials he and his staff accumulated.  In the past, Presidential papers had been lost, destroyed, sold for profit, or ruined by poor storage condition.   Roosevelt established a public repository to preserve the historical materials of his Presidency for future generation.  Beginning a tradition that continues to this day.  In 1955, Congress institutionalized this policy through the Presidential Libraries Act- amended in 1986.  And the line up is: 1.  Herbert Hoover/Iowa  2.  Franklin Roosevelt/ Hyde Park, NY  3.  Harry Truman/ Independence,  Mo  4.  Dwight Eisenhower/  Abilene/Kansas  5.  John F. Kennedy/  Boston,  Mass.  6.  LBJ/ Austin, Texas  7.  Richard Nixon/  Yorba Linda,  Calif.  8.  Gerald Ford/  Ann Arbor, Mi  9.  Jimmy Carter/here  10.  Ronald Regan/ Simi Valley, Calif  11. George Bush/ College Station,  Texas  12  Clinton/ Little Rock, Arkansas  13  GWBush/ Dallas,  Texas.  Have you been to any of them?  Which is your favorite?

Don't forget Jimmy won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his work "to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts."  And here is a surprise- yes Bubba andBoca voted for him in 1975.  Who'da thunk it?  Yes, that was the last time we voted for a Democrat.  We are very impressed with President Carters work in eradicating the Guinea Worm.

Yes that is a worm coming out of the foot of a person in Africa.  Ewwww!   Keep up the good work with the Worms Jimmy.  This parasitic infection is caused by the nenatode roundworm.  How do they get it?  Drinking contaminated water.  The Carters began this eradication program in 1986.  At the time there were 3.5 million people in 21 countries infected and by 2010 there were less than 1,800 folks/4 countries that had Guinea Worm disease.  Way to go Jimmy!  Interesting fact, the first country he worked with was Pakistan...go figure.

Boca's fav spot in the Center was the special exhibition "READ MY PINS" by Madeline Albright.  My friend Jan in Nashville shared the book with me  and chatted about the unique Madeline Albright, so I was delighted to see the collection at the Carter Center. This traveling collection and exhibit of 200 of Madeline's pins is right up Boca's alley.  Secretary of State (1997) Albright wore pins (brooch- hey what is the diff between a pin and a brooch?  some say size) to communicate a message or mood during her diplomatic tenure.  Love that jumbo flag with Mr. North Korea.

 "I found that jewelry had become a part of my personal diplomatic arsenal."-   READ MY PINS!  Of course Boca appreciated the more lavish and outspoken pieces- as she is not too keen on demure jewelry.  Take note Bubs.  An engaging exhibit and it will continue to travel.  Recommended by Boca.  Bubba is praying that my looking at all those pins will not inspire me to start collecting another form of jewelry...hmmm.

A tasty luncheon buffet was provided and a beautiful day to sit outside and enjoy the pond and grounds.  Of course the best part was the continuation of catching up with fellow Agents and their spouses.  Many of the Agents have gone on to successful second careers in private and public positions.  And my favorite group- the  RRA-Really Retired Agent.  The stories from many years ago flowed.  Bless their memories!

We also enjoyed the lively Magic Show by former Agent Bill Slade.  He performed several shows for the gang.  He told me he practices 2 hours a day and has been performing for the guys all of his career as well.  Thank you Bill- you are a Masterful Magician!

And now for a little headache in a bottle- oops I mean the dinner party.  Bubba told Scott that he made Boca promise to not go crazy this year at the silent auction as much of the "stuff" she bought last year is still in boxes in the garage.  Kill joy.   Oh no!  Since she has learned to play the air guitar....she now wants Jimmy Buffets signed guitar.  Step away from the tables Boca!  But Beth Gillooly thinks Boca should have it.  You betcha Beth!

Rocky and his posse...that Agent Couple again.  Still smiling.  Who knew.  While Bubba Wagner chews the fat with a real retired Agent...I'm older than dirt.  No Wagner, I'm older than dirt and can still drink you under the table.  It's always an adventure being with Bubba Wagner.  Oddly, he and Boca did not get into any trouble this get together-no Tomfoolery?  Could it be some of that "old" thing?

The question the week before the event was who is the Silver Fox  (Fisak) bringing to the reunion?  We were all delighted to see last years model Jamie- again.  Yea!  Bubba Collins mugs it up with the hotties- Laura and Eileen.  Both of these gals are fun, fun, fun and funny.

SWIFT JUSTICE WITH NANCY GRACE-our featured speaker...
After finishing up the Casey Anthony Trial and quitting Swift Justice and while preparing for her Dancing With The Stars debut next week our guest speaker- Georgia Peach and former prosecutor and televangelist- oops I mean television commentator was the "feature speaker" at the dinner.  She's all about victims rights and being able to tote a gun.  This CNN gal gave an "unusual " speech- no make that Odd?  "What was she thinking?"  Well, maybe it was me.  Normally, by this time in the evening I've had a few martini's and a little vino and can't remember who said what ( remember last year with me hugging and whispering in Bill Clinton's ear- oy).  From the look on Mike P's face he must have found his fellow Georgians speech a little perplexing as well...

 Maybe it's all those sequins and Dancing With The Stars preparation??  Someone asked if appearing with Chaz Bono bothered her?  And she quipped, "I'm a lot less concerned with what he has in his pants than what he's got in his shoes."  You go Nancy!  Boca pleaded with Nance to give Bubba a dance lesson.  "Oh Boca, I would love to as I have heard he could use a few but I've got to run home to my twins and change some diapers ."  You go Nancy and good luck with Dancing With The Stars.  And don't worry that liberal b.s.in Los Angeles is not contagious.

And speaking of dancing- go Bubba Wagner, I mean Uncle Bob.  With one of the twins...those hottie Wagner girls are a laugh riot and do their best to keep their Uncle in line.  Yeah, good luck with that!  Oh fellas, the twins are single and ready to mingle.  Any interest, just give ol'Boca the Matchmaker a call.  "Girls" it was great to be with you over the weekend- still gorgeous, chic and lots of fun.  Come see us in Florida.

And the party continued....
Bubs really enjoys reconnecting with fellow Agents.  And what about you guys that aren't here?  What's up with that?  I told Bubs he has to start a campaign now for next years reunion in Santa Barbara.  He promised an email and phone call blitz would ocur soon.

Eileen Del Monaco gives Karen Alswang some what for "of course the Italian Wine is the best!"  While the Pritchard's and Scott Alswang place bets on the winner.   As a matter of fact the gang decided to tag along to  with Del's to Italy in 2013.  Is Italy ready for a pack of these retired agents?  The Amalfi coast will never be the same.  Mama Mia is right.

AND A HUGE THANK YOU AND HUG... to the brawn and brains of this oh so well done and Secret Service celebration reunion.  Cheryl Wagner and Beth Dauwalder you did a heck of a job.  No stone unturned.  I will vouch for the Bubs and me.  Look out California you have big shoes to fill as the Atlanta Team raised the bar on hosting a fantastic Reunion

for more Secret Service insight...www.secretservice.gov

I must say I was a bit faclempt that our pal Eljay Bowron couldn't make it...he has been one busy guy since retirement...between riding a bike from Detroit to Mexico for a charity and getting his knees replaced for the umteenth time he was a no show.  Always a favorite of Boca's ( the Bubs worked with him in Miami and Atlanta)...and again another former Cop.  And how did that go...once a cop always a cop.  El WE WILL SEE YOU IN SANTA BARBARA.  You really are missed.

 2000 Mile Bike Ride for the Orphanage
On April 25, 2009 - May 12, 2009, Joe DeLamielleure, National Football League Hall of Fame member, Eljay Bowron, Retired Director of the United State Secret Service, and John Shinsky, and educator, former orphan, and co-founder of Ciudad de los Niños embarked on a remarkable 2000 mile bike ride for the sole purpose of raising resources to support Ciudad de los Niños, the orphanage and new home that will eventually serve 140 abandoned and neglected children in Matamoros Mexico.  Joe, Eljay, and John were former football teammates at Michigan State University in the 1970's.  The common thread between each of them throughout their adult lives and careers is that of service to others.  The bike ride was one more way for the team to demonstrate their lifetime commitment to making a difference in serving others. Dick Comar, an educator and former football coach joined the team driving the support vehicle and supporting the riders throughout the trek.  It is difficult to describe all of the aspects of the bike ride and the emotions behind the effort.  However, the following pictures offer some insight as to the many wonderful experiences they had throughout the ride and the joy they received by giving back to children in need.

The Riders John Shinsky, Joe DeLamielleure, and Eljay Bowron

And of course the Pleep also had an outstanding time.....

LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO MY LITTLE FRIEND...ah Bubs, they don't use the .357 Magnum anymore...it's all about the Sig Sauer and I'm talking the P229.